- Před instalací bezpečnostního produktu od společnosti ESET potřebujete z počítače odstranit jakýkoli jiný antivirový program.
- V tomto článku naleznete seznam aplikací, které lze odstranit pomocí ESET AV Remover
- ESET AV Remover zobrazuje "No supported applications" (Zvolená aplikace nebo její verze není momentálně podporovaná).
- ESET AV Remover zobrazuje "No antivirus application removed" (Došlo k chybě. Aplikace nebyla odstraněná)
- ESET AV Remover není možné použít na odinstalování software společnosti ESET. Pro kompletní odinstalaci produktu ESET v systému K úplné Windows 10 nebo Windows 8 použijte odinstalátor, který je součástí daného produktu ESET.
- Stáhnutí a spuštění nástroje ESET AV Remover
- Aplikace, které lze odstranit pomocí nástroje ESET AV Remover
Stáhnutí a spusťění nástroje ESET AV Remover
- Kliknutím na příslušný odkaz níže stáhněte ESET AV Remover, doporučujeme soubor uložit na plochu. Pokud si nejste jisti, kterou verzi použít, klikněte zde pro návod, jak zjistit specifikace vašeho systému.
- Dvakrát klikněte na ikonu ESET AV Remover
pro spuštění nástroje AV Remover.
Uživatelé systému Windows 10: Po dokončení stahování souboru klikněte na Run (Spustit).

- Klikněte na Continue (Pokračovat). ESET AV Remover následně zkontroluje, zda na vašem počítači není dříve nainstalovaný antivirový software.
- Přečtěte si licenční smlouvu s koncovým uživatelem a klikněte na Accept (Přijmout).
- Označte aplikaci/aplikace, které chcete odebrat. Následně klikněte na Remove (Odebrat).
- Po zobrazení výzvy klikněte na Remove (Odstranit). ESET AV Remover začne odstraňovat software z vašeho systému.

- Po dokončení procesu odstranění se zobrazí Applications successfully removed (Aplikace úspěšně odstraněné). Klikněte na Continue (Pokračovat).
- Kliknutím na Restart now restartujete počítač. Doporučujeme, abyste po restartu počítače znovu spustili ESET AV Remover, abyste se ujistili, že byl odstraněn veškerý předchozí antivirový software.
Nástroj zobrazil zprávu „No supported applications“ nebo „No antivirus applications removed“
- Pokud ESET AV Remover nedokáže odinstalovat konkrétní aplikaci protože není nástrojem podporovaná nebo při jejím odstraňování došlo k chybě, ukončete ESET AV Remover kliknutím na ikonu [X].

- Postupujte podle pokynů pro manuální odinstalování dané aplikace přes její odinstalátor.

Applications that can be removed using ESET AV Remover
List of applications that can be removed using ESET AV Remover:
Vendor | Product | Version |
The Superbird Authors | ||
Superbird | 28 | |
Braincell consult & research GmbH | ||
Protectorion Encryption Suite | 4 | |
Acronis | ||
Acronis Drive Monitor | 1 | |
Acronis Migrate Easy | 7 | |
Acronis True Image | 17 | |
Acronis Cyber Protection Agent | 15 | |
PC Tools Software | ||
PC Tools File Recover | 9 | |
PC Tools Firewall Plus | 7 | |
PC Tools Internet Security | 8 | |
PC Tools Internet Security | 9 | |
PC Tools Registry Mechanic | 11 | |
PC Tools Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus | 8 | |
PC Tools Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus | 9 | |
PC Tools Privacy Guardian | 5 | |
PC Tools Performance Toolkit | 2 | |
PC Tools AntiVirus Free | 9 | |
Avanquest Software | ||
Fix-It Utilities 10 Professional | 10 | |
Double Anti-Spy Professional | 1 | |
SystemSuite | 10 | |
AutoSave Essentials | 3 | |
Smart Privacy Cleaner | 2 | |
Express Uninstaller | 2 | |
Smart PC Solutions, Inc | ||
Magic Speed | 3 | |
Smart PC Professional | 5 | |
Smart PC | 4 | |
Startup Booster | 2 | |
Smart Data Recovery | 3 | |
Smart FAT Recovery | 4 | |
Mega HighTech S.L. | ||
Cerber AntiVirus | 0 | |
SparkTrust | ||
SparkTrust PC Cleaner Plus | 3 | |
SparkTrust Driver Updater | 3 | |
SparkTrust Inspector | 1 | |
NETGATE Technologies s.r.o. | ||
NETGATE BlackPanda | 1 | |
NETGATE BlackTube Downloader | 1 | |
NETGATE Flash & USB Recovery | 1 | |
NETGATE Registry Cleaner | 18 | |
Synei | ||
Synei System Utilities | 1 | |
Synei PC Cleaner | 1 | |
Synei Backup Manager | 1 | |
Synei Startup Manager | 1 | |
Synei Service Manager | 1 | |
GoForSharing LLC | ||
Sharetastic | 3 | |
TurboWire | 2 | |
TurboWire | 3 | |
BullGuard Ltd. | ||
BullGuard Backup | 13 | |
BullGuard Backup | 16 | |
BullGuard Antivirus | 12 | |
BullGuard Antivirus | 13 | |
BullGuard Antivirus | 17 | |
BullGuard Premium Protection | 14 | |
BullGuard Premium Protection | 17 | |
BullGuard Internet Security | 10 | |
BullGuard Internet Security | 12 | |
BullGuard Internet Security | 13 | |
BullGuard Internet Security | 14 | |
BullGuard Internet Security | 17 | |
BullGuard Internet Security | 8 | |
Easeware | ||
DriverEasy | 4 | |
Qustodio LLC. | ||
Qustodio | 150 | |
Rainy | ||
Rainmeter | 3 | |
AdFender, Inc. | ||
AdFender | 1 | |
OPSWAT, Inc. | ||
Metadefender Endpoint | 7 | |
Security Score | 4 | |
BitSecure Labs | ||
BitSecure Antivirus System | 9 | |
PC MRI Fast-n-Clean | 3 | |
Pitiko | ||
Fusion360 Anti Spyware | 4 | |
Adobe Systems Inc. | ||
Adobe Reader | 10 | |
Adobe Reader | 11 | |
Adobe AIR | 13 | |
Adobe AIR | 14 | |
Adobe AIR | 15 | |
Adobe AIR | 16 | |
Adobe AIR | 17 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 12 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 13 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 14 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 15 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 16 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 17 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 18 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 19 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 20 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 21 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 22 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 23 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 31 | |
Adobe Flash Player | 32 | |
Adobe Shockwave Player | 12 | |
Encrypt4all Software | ||
Advanced Desktop Locker | 5 | |
Qihu 360 Software Co., Ltd. | ||
360 Total Security | 4 | |
360杀毒 | 5 | |
360安全卫士 | 11 | |
360 Internet Security | 4 | |
360 Internet Security | 5 | |
Deep Software Inc. | ||
Activity Monitor | 8 | |
Agnitum Ltd. | ||
Outpost Security Suite Free | 7 | |
Outpost Antivirus Pro | 7 | |
Outpost Antivirus Pro | 8 | |
Outpost Antivirus Pro | 9 | |
Outpost Firewall Pro | 7 | |
Outpost Firewall Pro | 8 | |
Outpost Firewall Pro | 9 | |
Outpost Security Suite Pro | 7 | |
Outpost Security Suite Pro | 8 | |
Outpost Security Suite Pro | 9 | |
Mozilla Corporation | ||
SeaMonkey | 2 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 24 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 25 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 26 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 27 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 28 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 29 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 30 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 31 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 32 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 33 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 34 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 35 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 36 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 37 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 38 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 39 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 40 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 41 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 42 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 43 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 44 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 45 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 46 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 47 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 48 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 49 | |
Thunderbird | 24 | |
Kephyr | ||
FreeFixer | 1 | |
Bazooka Scanner | 1 | |
GFI Software Ltd. | ||
VIPRE Business Agent | 5 | |
VIPRE Business Agent | 6 | |
VIPRE Business Agent | 7 | |
VIPRE Business Agent | 8 | |
VIPRE Business Agent | 9 | |
GFI Cloud - Antivirus | 2013 | |
GFI Cloud - Antivirus | 2014 | |
GFI Cloud - Antivirus | 2016 | |
GFI Cloud - Antivirus | 6 | |
VIPRE Business Premium | 5 | |
VIPRE Business Premium | 6 | |
VIPRE Business Premium | 7 | |
VIPRE Business | 5 | |
VIPRE Business | 6 | |
VIPRE Business | 7 | |
GFI LanGuard | 11 | |
GFI MAX Backup - Cloud Management Console | 14 | |
Norman AS | ||
Norman Personal Backup | 0 | |
Norman Personal Backup | 3 | |
Norman EndPoint Protection | 11 | |
Norman EndPoint Protection | 7 | |
Norman EndPoint Protection | 8 | |
Norman EndPoint Protection | 9 | |
Norman Security Suite | 11 | |
Norman Security Suite | 8 | |
Norman Security Suite | 9 | |
Alexander Roshal | ||
WinRAR | 4 | |
WinRAR | 5 | |
WinRAR | 6 | |
WinRAR | 4 | |
WinRAR | 5 | |
WinRAR | 6 | |
Avira GmbH | ||
Avira Antivirus Pro | 14 | |
Avira Antivirus Pro | 15 | |
Avira Internet Security | 12 | |
Avira Internet Security | 13 | |
Avira Internet Security | 14 | |
Avira Server Security | 12 | |
Avira Server Security | 13 | |
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus | 10 | |
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus | 8 | |
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus | 9 | |
Avira AntiVir Windows Workstation | 7 | |
Avira Premium Security Suite | 7 | |
Avira Premium Security Suite | 8 | |
Avira Premium Security Suite | 9 | |
Avira Antivirus Premium | 12 | |
Avira Antivirus Premium | 13 | |
Avira Antivirus Premium | 8 | |
Avira Antivirus Premium | 9 | |
Avira Free Antivirus | 1 | |
Avira Free Antivirus | 12 | |
Avira Free Antivirus | 13 | |
Avira Free Antivirus | 14 | |
Avira Free Antivirus | 15 | |
Avira Free Antivirus | 2 | |
Avira Management Console Agent | 2 | |
Avira Professional Security | 12 | |
Avira Professional Security | 13 | |
Avira Professional Security | 14 | |
Avira Professional Security | 8 | |
Avira Professional Security | 9 | |
Avira Family Protection Suite | 14 | |
Avira Free Antivirus | 1 | |
Avira Free Antivirus | 12 | |
Avira Free Antivirus | 13 | |
Avira Free Antivirus | 14 | |
Avira Internet Security Suite | 13 | |
Avira Internet Security Suite | 14 | |
Avira Ultimate Protection Suite | 14 | |
Avira Antivirus Suite | 14 | |
Avira System Speedup | 1 | |
Avira Secure Backup | 0 | |
Avira Secure Backup | 1 | |
Avira Endpoint Security | 2 | |
WinZip Computing, S.L. | ||
WinZip | 18 | |
WinZip System Utilities Suite | 2 | |
WinZip Registry Optimizer | 1 | |
WinZip Registry Optimizer | 4 | |
WinZip Driver Updater | 1 | |
WinZip Malware Protector | 2 | |
Martin Raiber | ||
UrBackup | 0 | |
UrBackup | 1 | |
McAfee, Inc. | ||
McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Agent | 4 | |
McAfee Security-as-a-Service | 5 | |
McAfee Security-as-a-Service | 6 | |
McAfee WebAdvisor | 4 | |
McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention | 8 | |
MOVE AV Client | 4 | |
BT Virus Protect | 16 | |
McAfee SiteAdvisor | 3 | |
McAfee SiteAdvisor | 4 | |
McAfee Family Protection | 2 | |
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise | 10 | |
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise | 15 | |
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise | 16 | |
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise | 17 | |
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise | 18 | |
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise | 19 | |
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise | 20 | |
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise | 21 | |
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise | 4 | |
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise | 8 | |
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise | 9 | |
McAfee Security Scan Plus | 3 | |
McAfee AntiVirus Plus | 10 | |
McAfee AntiVirus Plus | 12 | |
McAfee AntiVirus Plus | 13 | |
McAfee AntiVirus Plus | 14 | |
McAfee AntiVirus Plus | 15 | |
McAfee AntiVirus Plus | 16 | |
McAfee AntiVirus Plus | 17 | |
McAfee AntiVirus Plus | 18 | |
McAfee AntiVirus Plus | 19 | |
McAfee AntiVirus Plus | 20 | |
McAfee AntiVirus Plus | 21 | |
McAfee AntiVirus Plus | 8 | |
McAfee AntiVirus Plus | 9 | |
McAfee Total Protection | 16 | |
McAfee Total Protection | 18 | |
McAfee Total Protection | 19 | |
McAfee Total Protection | 20 | |
McAfee Total Protection | 21 | |
McAfee Total Protection | 3 | |
McAfee Internet Security | 18 | |
McAfee Internet Security | 19 | |
McAfee Internet Security | 20 | |
McAfee Internet Security | 21 | |
McAfee LiveSafe – Internet Security | 12 | |
McAfee LiveSafe – Internet Security | 13 | |
McAfee LiveSafe – Internet Security | 14 | |
McAfee LiveSafe – Internet Security | 15 | |
McAfee LiveSafe – Internet Security | 16 | |
McAfee LiveSafe – Internet Security | 2 | |
McAfee LiveSafe – Internet Security | 3 | |
MusicLab, LLC | ||
BearShare | 10 | |
e-merge GmbH | ||
WinAce Archiver | 2 | |
Clickfree & Storage Appliance Corporation | ||
Clickfree | 2 | |
Clickfree | 3 | |
Irfan Skiljan | ||
IrfanView | 4 | |
Symantec Corporation | ||
Norton Security Scan | 3 | |
Norton Security | 22 | |
Norton Security with Backup | 22 | |
Symantec Hosted Endpoint Protection | 2 | |
Symantec Hosted Endpoint Protection | 3 | |
Symantec Endpoint Protection Cloud | 22 | |
Norton Internet Security | 10 | |
Norton Internet Security | 15 | |
Norton Internet Security | 16 | |
Norton Internet Security | 17 | |
Norton Internet Security | 19 | |
Norton Internet Security | 20 | |
Norton Internet Security | 21 | |
Norton Internet Security | 22 | |
Norton AntiVirus | 14 | |
Norton AntiVirus | 15 | |
Norton AntiVirus | 16 | |
Norton AntiVirus | 17 | |
Norton AntiVirus | 18 | |
Norton AntiVirus | 19 | |
Norton AntiVirus | 20 | |
Norton AntiVirus | 21 | |
Norton AntiVirus | 22 | |
Norton 360 | 1 | |
Norton 360 | 2 | |
Norton 360 | 20 | |
Norton 360 | 21 | |
Norton 360 | 22 | |
Norton 360 | 3 | |
Norton 360 | 4 | |
Norton 360 | 5 | |
Norton 360 | 6 | |
Norton Online Backup | 2 | |
Norton Utilities | 16 | |
Symantec Endpoint Protection | 11 | |
Symantec Endpoint Protection | 12 | |
Symantec Endpoint Protection | 14 | |
Symantec Encryption Desktop | 10 | |
PGP Desktop | 10 | |
Norton Ghost | 15 | |
Piriform Ltd | ||
CCleaner | 4 | |
CCleaner | 5 | |
CCleaner Cloud | 1 | |
Defraggler | 2 | |
Recuva | 1 | |
Speccy | 1 | |
Dropbox, Inc. | ||
Dropbox | 2 | |
Dropbox | 3 | |
Dropbox | 131 | |
Dropbox | 132 | |
Dropbox | 133 | |
Dropbox | 134 | |
Dropbox | 164 | |
Dropbox | 165 | |
Dropbox | 166 | |
Dropbox | 167 | |
Dropbox | 2 | |
Microsoft Corporation | ||
System Center Endpoint Protection | 2 | |
System Center Endpoint Protection | 4 | |
Microsoft SkyDrive | 17 | |
Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection | 1 | |
SyncToy | 2 | |
Silverlight | 5 | |
Microsoft Forefront Client Security | 1 | |
Microsoft Security Essentials | 2 | |
Microsoft Security Essentials | 4 | |
Windows 7 USB/DVD Tool | 1 | |
Microsoft OneDrive | 17 | |
Microsoft OneDrive | 21 | |
Mega Limited | ||
MEGAsync | 2 | |
Oracle Corporation | ||
Java | 6 | |
Java | 7 | |
Java | 8 | |
Java | 6 | |
Java | 7 | |
Java | 8 | |
Java | 6 | |
Java | 7 | |
Java | 8 | |
VirtualBox | 4 | |
Oracle Database Client | 0 | |
Oracle Database Client | 1 | |
Oracle Database Client | 10 | |
Oracle Database Client | 11 | |
Oracle Database Client | 2 | |
Oracle Database Client | 3 | |
Oracle Database Client | 4 | |
Oracle Database Client | 5 | |
Oracle Database Client | 6 | |
Oracle Database Client | 7 | |
Oracle Database Client | 8 | |
Oracle Database Client | 9 | |
Java | 9 | |
Java | 10 | |
Java SE Development Kit | 10 | |
Java SE Development Kit | 11 | |
Java SE Development Kit | 6 | |
Java SE Development Kit | 7 | |
Java SE Development Kit | 8 | |
Java SE Development Kit | 9 | |
Java | 8 | |
Backblaze, Inc | ||
Backblaze | 0 | |
Backblaze | 2 | |
Backblaze | 4 | |
LANDESK Software, Inc. | ||
LANDesk Antivirus | 10 | |
Bitser | ||
Bitser | 0 | |
Cedrick Collomb | ||
Unlocker | 1 | |
Cypherix Software Pvt. Ltd. | ||
Secure IT | 2012 | |
Cryptainer LE | 10 | |
Cortex I.T. Labs Pty Ltd | ||
BackupAssist | 8 | |
O&O Software GmbH | ||
O&O DiskImage Professional Edition | 8 | |
O&O MediaRecovery | 9 | |
ParetoLogic, Inc. | ||
XoftSpy AntiVirus Pro | 9 | |
Cibecs | ||
Cibecs Control Center | 5 | |
Aquarius I.S. Consultancy Ltd. | ||
AISBackup | 3 | |
ATopSoft | ||
AutoSave | 0 | |
AutoSave | 2 | |
P2PHood LLC. | ||
SpeedLord | 3 | |
LimeRunner | 2 | |
BitHit | 2 | |
Sharin'Hood | 2 | |
CHENGDU YIWO Tech Development Co., Ltd | ||
EaseUS Todo Backup | 6 | |
EaseUS Todo Backup | 9 | |
EaseUS Todo Backup Workstation | 6 | |
EaseUS Todo Backup Workstation | 9 | |
EaseUS Todo Backup Server | 6 | |
EaseUS Todo Backup Server | 9 | |
RealVNC Ltd | ||
VNC Viewer | 6 | |
Initex | ||
Proxifier | 3 | |
Argentum Corporation | ||
Argentum Backup | 3 | |
VodaHost LLC | ||
BlueVoda Website Builder | 12 | |
Big Star Software | ||
Easy Temp File Cleaner | 1 | |
Stellar Information Technology Pvt. Ltd. | ||
Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery - Professional | 6 | |
Movavi | ||
Movavi MovieEditor | 8 | |
Bitdefender | ||
Bitdefender Windows 8 Security | 16 | |
Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition | 1 | |
Bitdefender Endpoint Security | 5 | |
Bitdefender Total Security | 12 | |
Bitdefender Total Security | 13 | |
Bitdefender Total Security | 14 | |
Bitdefender Total Security | 15 | |
Bitdefender Total Security | 16 | |
Bitdefender Total Security | 17 | |
Bitdefender Total Security | 18 | |
Bitdefender Total Security | 19 | |
Bitdefender Total Security | 20 | |
Bitdefender Total Security | 21 | |
Bitdefender Total Security | 22 | |
Bitdefender Total Security | 23 | |
BitDefender Antivirus Pro | 10 | |
BitDefender Antivirus Pro | 13 | |
Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools | 6 | |
Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools | 7 | |
Bitdefender Internet Security | 13 | |
Bitdefender Internet Security | 15 | |
Bitdefender Internet Security | 16 | |
Bitdefender Internet Security | 17 | |
Bitdefender Internet Security | 18 | |
Bitdefender Internet Security | 19 | |
Bitdefender Internet Security | 20 | |
Bitdefender Internet Security | 21 | |
Bitdefender Internet Security | 22 | |
Bitdefender Internet Security | 23 | |
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus | 15 | |
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus | 16 | |
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus | 17 | |
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus | 18 | |
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus | 19 | |
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus | 20 | |
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus | 21 | |
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus | 22 | |
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus | 23 | |
Bitdefender Business Client | 11 | |
Code42 Software | ||
CrashPlan | 3 | |
Dom Lachowicz | ||
AbiWord | 2 | |
Zabaware, Inc. | ||
Zabaware Text-to-Speech Reader | 2 | |
Dmitry Nikitin | ||
RAR Password Cracker | 4 | |
Box, Inc. | ||
Box Sync | 3 | |
Box Sync | 3 | |
Box Sync | 4 | |
Mysecuritywin | ||
Xvirus Personal Firewall | 3 | |
Xvirus Personal Guard | 4 | |
Quick Heal Technologies (P) Ltd. | ||
Quick Heal PCTuner | 3 | |
Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition | 12 | |
Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition | 13 | |
Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition | 14 | |
Seqrite Endpoint Security | 17 | |
Quick Heal Total Security | 12 | |
Quick Heal Total Security | 13 | |
Quick Heal Total Security | 14 | |
Quick Heal Total Security | 15 | |
Quick Heal Total Security | 17 | |
Quick Heal Internet Security | 12 | |
Quick Heal Internet Security | 13 | |
Quick Heal Internet Security | 14 | |
Quick Heal Internet Security | 15 | |
Quick Heal Internet Security | 17 | |
Quick Heal AntiVirus | 12 | |
Quick Heal AntiVirus | 13 | |
Quick Heal AntiVirus | 14 | |
Quick Heal AntiVirus | 15 | |
Quick Heal AntiVirus | 17 | |
Quick Heal Firewall Pro | 3 | |
Visual Paradigm International Ltd. | ||
Visual Paradigm | 11 | |
CollabNet, Inc. | ||
ArgoUML | 0 | |
MindGenius Ltd. | ||
MindGenius Business | 5 | |
TheBrain Technologies LP. | ||
TheBrain | 8 | |
FreeMind | ||
FreeMind | 1 | |
Literature & Latte Ltd. | ||
Scapple | 1000 | |
SugarSync, Inc. | ||
SugarSync | 2 | |
Blue Mango Learning Systems, LLC | ||
ScreenSteps | 3 | |
ThinkBuzan | ||
iMindMap | 7 | |
Google Inc. | ||
Google Drive | 1 | |
Google Drive File Stream | 50 | |
Google Drive File Stream | 51 | |
Google Drive File Stream | 52 | |
Google Drive File Stream | 53 | |
Google Drive File Stream | 54 | |
Google Drive File Stream | 55 | |
Google Drive File Stream | 56 | |
Google Drive File Stream | 57 | |
Google Drive File Stream | 58 | |
Google Drive File Stream | 59 | |
Google Chrome | 0 | |
Google Chrome | 1 | |
Google Chrome | 10 | |
Google Chrome | 11 | |
Google Chrome | 12 | |
Google Chrome | 13 | |
Google Chrome | 14 | |
Google Chrome | 15 | |
Google Chrome | 16 | |
Google Chrome | 17 | |
Google Chrome | 18 | |
Google Chrome | 19 | |
Google Chrome | 2 | |
Google Chrome | 20 | |
Google Chrome | 21 | |
Google Chrome | 22 | |
Google Chrome | 23 | |
Google Chrome | 24 | |
Google Chrome | 25 | |
Google Chrome | 26 | |
Google Chrome | 27 | |
Google Chrome | 28 | |
Google Chrome | 29 | |
Google Chrome | 3 | |
Google Chrome | 30 | |
Google Chrome | 31 | |
Google Chrome | 32 | |
Google Chrome | 33 | |
Google Chrome | 34 | |
Google Chrome | 35 | |
Google Chrome | 36 | |
Google Chrome | 37 | |
Google Chrome | 38 | |
Google Chrome | 39 | |
Google Chrome | 4 | |
Google Chrome | 40 | |
Google Chrome | 41 | |
Google Chrome | 42 | |
Google Chrome | 43 | |
Google Chrome | 44 | |
Google Chrome | 45 | |
Google Chrome | 46 | |
Google Chrome | 47 | |
Google Chrome | 48 | |
Google Chrome | 49 | |
Google Chrome | 5 | |
Google Chrome | 6 | |
Google Chrome | 7 | |
Google Chrome | 8 | |
Google Chrome | 9 | |
Picasa | 3 | |
Google Toolbar | 7 | |
Google Earth | 7 | |
Google Desktop | 5 | |
Bench Software | ||
Wireless Key Generator | 2 | |
Grig Software | ||
Compare It! | 4 | |
Egnyte, Inc | ||
EgnyteLocalCloud | 7 | |
Egnyte Desktop Sync | 8 | |
BlueSprig | ||
JetBoost | 2 | |
JetClean | 1 | |
Howard Media | ||
FixCleanRepair | 1 | |
Mythicsoft Ltd | ||
Agent Ransack | 7 | |
Colasoft | ||
Colasoft Capsa | 7 | |
Siber System Inc. | ||
GoodSync | 9 | |
Francesco Bucci | ||
Malware Eraser | 1 | |
Code:Aero Technologies | ||
Password Memory | 5 | |
Daossoft | ||
Windows Password Rescuer Personal | 6 | |
Neuber Software | ||
Security Task Manager | 1 | |
Optimize Your PC | ||
PC Optimizer | 1 | |
CodeLathe LLC | ||
Tonido | 4 | |
Tonido | 7 | |
SoMud | ||
SoMud | 1 | |
Barracuda Networks, Inc. | ||
Yosemite Server Backup | 8 | |
Yosemite Server Backup | 9 | |
Copy | 1 | |
Security Stronghold | ||
Stronghold AntiMalware | 1 | |
InCode Solutions | ||
RemoveIT Pro Enterprise | 2014 | |
XANALab | ||
XANA Evolution Antivirus | 5 | |
FarStone Technology, Inc | ||
TotalRecovery | 1 | |
TotalRecovery | 10 | |
TotalRecovery | 9 | |
One | 1 | |
G Data Software AG | ||
G Data Security Client | 13 | |
G Data Security Client | 14 | |
G Data Security Client | 15 | |
G Data TotalCare | 22 | |
G Data TotalSecurity | 22 | |
G Data TotalSecurity | 23 | |
G Data TotalSecurity | 25 | |
G Data AntiVirenKit Client | 11 | |
G Data InternetSecurity | 22 | |
G Data InternetSecurity | 23 | |
G Data InternetSecurity | 24 | |
G Data InternetSecurity | 25 | |
G Data AntiVirus | 19 | |
G Data AntiVirus | 20 | |
G Data AntiVirus | 21 | |
G Data AntiVirus | 22 | |
G Data AntiVirus | 23 | |
G Data AntiVirus | 24 | |
G Data AntiVirus | 25 | |
G Data TotalProtection | 23 | |
G Data TotalProtection | 24 | |
G Data TotalProtection | 25 | |
G Data NotebookSecurity | 21 | |
G Data NotebookSecurity | 22 | |
VoodooSoft LLC | ||
VoodooShield | 2 | |
Globus Partners Ltd. | ||
Globus VPN Browser | 1 | |
GRSoftware | ||
GRBackPro | 8 | |
Baidu Inc. | ||
Baidu Antivirus | 5 | |
Baidu Antivirus | 4 | |
Baidu Antivirus | 5 | |
Spark Browser | 26 | |
Create Software | ||
Create Synchronicity | 6 | |
Refog Free Keylogger | ||
Refog Free Keylogger | 9 | |
AVG Technologies CZ, s.r.o. | ||
AVG AntiVirus | 10 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2012 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2013 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2014 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2015 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2016 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 3 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 4 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 8 | |
AVG CloudCare | 2013 | |
AVG CloudCare | 2014 | |
AVG CloudCare | 2016 | |
AVG CloudCare | 3 | |
AVG Premium Security | 2013 | |
AVG Premium Security | 2014 | |
AVG Internet Security | 15 | |
AVG Internet Security | 16 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2012 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2013 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2014 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2015 | |
AVG Internet Security Business Edition | 13 | |
AVG Internet Security Business Edition | 16 | |
AVG ZEN | 1 | |
AVG Internet Security | 15 | |
AVG Internet Security | 16 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2012 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2013 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2014 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2015 | |
AVG Internet Security | 3 | |
AVG Internet Security | 4 | |
AVG AntiVirus Business Edition | 16 | |
AVG AntiVirus Free | 17 | |
AVG AntiVirus Free | 18 | |
AVG AntiVirus Free | 19 | |
AVG AntiVirus Free | 22 | |
AVG Internet Security | 17 | |
AVG Internet Security | 18 | |
AVG Internet Security | 19 | |
AVG Internet Security Business Edition | 16 | |
AVG Business | 18 | |
AVG Business | 19 | |
AVG Business | 20 | |
AVG Business | 21 | |
AVG Business | 22 | |
AVG Internet Security | 15 | |
AVG Internet Security | 16 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2012 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2013 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2014 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2015 | |
PC TuneUp | 14 | |
PC TuneUp | 15 | |
PC TuneUp | 16 | |
AVG SafeGuard toolbar | 14 | |
AVG SafeGuard toolbar | 15 | |
AVG SafeGuard toolbar | 16 | |
AVG SafeGuard toolbar | 17 | |
AVG SafeGuard toolbar | 18 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 10 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2012 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2013 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2014 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2015 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2016 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 8 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 10 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 14 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2012 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2013 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2014 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2015 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 2016 | |
AVG AntiVirus | 8 | |
AVG Internet Security | 13 | |
AVG Internet Security | 15 | |
AVG Internet Security | 16 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2012 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2013 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2014 | |
AVG Internet Security | 2015 | |
2BrightSparks Pte Ltd | ||
SyncBackFree | 6 | |
SyncBackSE | 6 | |
SyncBackPro | 6 | |
ownCloud | ||
ownCloud | 2 | |
Genie9 | ||
GBM | 9 | |
Genie Timeline Free | 3 | |
Genie Timeline Free | 4 | |
Genie Timeline Free | 5 | |
Genie Timeline Free | 6 | |
Genie Timeline Free | 7 | |
Zoolz | 2 | |
Carbonite, Inc. | ||
Carbonite | 5 | |
AhnLab, Inc. | ||
AhnLab V3 Internet Security | 9 | |
AhnLab V3 Endpoint Security | 9 | |
AhnLab V3 Internet Security | 8 | |
Ashisoft | ||
Duplicate File Finder | 22 | |
Hitek Software LLC | ||
AutoKrypt | 10 | |
JaBack9 | 1 | |
TrueCrypt Foundation | ||
TrueCrypt | 7 | |
CitrixWire | ||
CitrixWire | 4 | |
Nanosystems S.r.l. | ||
Uranium Backup | 8 | |
AML Software, Inc. | ||
AML Registry Cleaner | 4 | |
Kaspersky Lab | ||
Kaspersky Endpoint Security | 10 | |
Kaspersky Endpoint Security | 11 | |
Kaspersky Endpoint Security | 8 | |
Kaspersky Security for Windows Servers | 10 | |
Kaspersky Security for Windows Servers | 11 | |
Kaspersky Security for Windows Servers | 8 | |
Kaspersky Total Security | 15 | |
Kaspersky Total Security | 16 | |
Kaspersky Total Security | 17 | |
Kaspersky Total Security | 18 | |
Kaspersky Total Security | 19 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 11 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 12 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 13 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 14 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 15 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 16 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 8 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 9 | |
Kaspersky Security Center | 0 | |
Kaspersky Security Center | 1 | |
Kaspersky Security Center | 10 | |
Kaspersky Security Center | 2 | |
Kaspersky Security Center | 3 | |
Kaspersky Security Center | 4 | |
Kaspersky Security Center | 5 | |
Kaspersky Security Center | 6 | |
Kaspersky Security Center | 7 | |
Kaspersky Security Center | 8 | |
Kaspersky Security Center | 9 | |
Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent | 10 | |
Kaspersky Free | 18 | |
Kaspersky Free | 20 | |
Suite de Sécurité Orange | 19 | |
安心ネットセキュリティ | 20 | |
Kaspersky PURE | 12 | |
Kaspersky PURE | 13 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 11 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 12 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 13 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 14 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 15 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 16 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 17 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 18 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 19 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 20 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 21 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 8 | |
Kaspersky Internet Security | 9 | |
Kaspersky Anti-Virus | 11 | |
Kaspersky Anti-Virus | 12 | |
Kaspersky Anti-Virus | 13 | |
Kaspersky Anti-Virus | 14 | |
Kaspersky Anti-Virus | 15 | |
Kaspersky Anti-Virus | 16 | |
Kaspersky Anti-Virus | 17 | |
Kaspersky Anti-Virus | 18 | |
Kaspersky Anti-Virus | 19 | |
Kaspersky Anti-Virus | 20 | |
Kaspersky Anti-Virus | 21 | |
Kaspersky Security Scan | 12 | |
Kaspersky Password Manager | 5 | |
Kaspersky Small Office Security | 13 | |
Kaspersky Small Office Security | 15 | |
Kaspersky Small Office Security | 17 | |
Kaspersky Small Office Security | 9 | |
archicrypt | ||
ArchiCrypt Live | 5 | |
Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG | ||
Ashampoo Magic Security | 2 | |
Ashampoo Clip Finder HD | 2 | |
Ashampoo Anti-MalWare | 1 | |
Ashampoo Anti-Virus 2014 | 1 | |
Ashampoo Magical Defrag | 3 | |
Ashampoo Internet Accelerator | 3 | |
Ashampoo GetBack Photo | 1 | |
Ashampoo Burning Studio FREE | 1 | |
Ashampoo Core Tuner | 2 | |
Ashampoo Burning Studio | 14 | |
BeeDoctor | 0 | |
EMC Corporation | ||
NetWorker | 8 | |
Systweak Inc. | ||
DLCleaner | 1 | |
Advanced Disk Recovery | 2 | |
Advanced Driver Updater | 2 | |
RegClean Pro | 6 | |
Advanced System Protector | 2 | |
Advanced System Optimizer | 3 | |
Jetico, Inc. | ||
BestCrypt Volume Encryption | 3 | |
BestCrypt | 8 | |
BCWipe | 6 | |
Jetico Personal Firewall | 2 | |
ESET | ||
ESET Endpoint Antivirus | 10 | |
ESET Endpoint Antivirus | 5 | |
ESET Endpoint Antivirus | 6 | |
ESET Endpoint Antivirus | 7 | |
ESET Endpoint Antivirus | 8 | |
ESET Endpoint Antivirus | 9 | |
ESET File Security for Microsoft Windows Server | 4 | |
ESET Endpoint Security | 10 | |
ESET Endpoint Security | 5 | |
ESET Endpoint Security | 6 | |
ESET Endpoint Security | 7 | |
ESET Endpoint Security | 8 | |
ESET Endpoint Security | 9 | |
ESET NOD32 Antivirus | 10 | |
ESET NOD32 Antivirus | 11 | |
ESET NOD32 Antivirus | 12 | |
ESET NOD32 Antivirus | 13 | |
ESET NOD32 Antivirus | 14 | |
ESET NOD32 Antivirus | 4 | |
ESET NOD32 Antivirus | 5 | |
ESET NOD32 Antivirus | 6 | |
ESET NOD32 Antivirus | 7 | |
ESET NOD32 Antivirus | 8 | |
ESET NOD32 Antivirus | 9 | |
ESET Internet Security | 10 | |
ESET Internet Security | 11 | |
ESET Internet Security | 12 | |
ESET Internet Security | 14 | |
ESET Smart Security | 10 | |
ESET Smart Security | 11 | |
ESET Smart Security | 12 | |
ESET Smart Security | 14 | |
ESET Smart Security | 4 | |
ESET Smart Security | 5 | |
ESET Smart Security | 6 | |
ESET Smart Security | 7 | |
ESET Smart Security | 8 | |
ESET Smart Security | 9 | |
F-Secure Corporation | ||
F-Secure Anti-Virus | 10 | |
F-Secure Anti-Virus | 12 | |
F-Secure Anti-Virus | 14 | |
F-Secure Anti-Virus | 15 | |
F-Secure Anti-Virus | 16 | |
F-Secure Anti-Virus for Workstations | 10 | |
F-Secure Client Security | 10 | |
F-Secure Client Security | 11 | |
F-Secure Client Security | 12 | |
F-Secure Client Security | 13 | |
F-Secure Client Security | 9 | |
WISO Internet Security | 10 | |
WISO Internet Security | 13 | |
WISO Internet Security | 14 | |
F-Secure PSB Workstation Security | 10 | |
F-Secure PSB Workstation Security | 12 | |
F-Secure PSB Workstation Security | 9 | |
F-Secure Client Security | 14 | |
Security Suite | 18 | |
F-Secure Internet Security | 10 | |
F-Secure Internet Security | 12 | |
F-Secure Internet Security | 14 | |
F-Secure Internet Security | 16 | |
F-Secure Internet Security | 2 | |
F-Secure Internet Security | 9 | |
Backup Vivo | 2 | |
younited | 2 | |
WinEncrypt | ||
CryptArchiver Lite | 3 | |
InterCrypto Ltd | ||
CryptoExpert | 8 | |
Online Media Technologies Ltd. | ||
AVS Registry Cleaner | 4 | |
ByteLinker Inc. | ||
BitSpirit | 3 | |
Ranquel Technologies | ||
CryptoForge | 4 | |
ShareZillas | ||
ShareZilla | 4 | |
LimeZilla | 2 | |
LimeZilla | 4 | |
R-tools Technology, Inc. | ||
R-Crypto | 1 | |
R-Drive Image | 5 | |
Panda Security, S.L. | ||
Panda Global Protection | 15 | |
Panda Global Protection | 16 | |
Panda Global Protection | 17 | |
Panda Global Protection | 4 | |
Panda Global Protection | 6 | |
Panda Global Protection | 7 | |
Panda Free Antivirus | 16 | |
Panda Free Antivirus | 17 | |
Panda Cloud Office Protection | 7 | |
Panda Global Protection | 16 | |
Panda Global Protection | 4 | |
Panda Global Protection | 5 | |
Panda Global Protection | 6 | |
Panda Global Protection | 7 | |
Panda Endpoint Protection | 5 | |
Panda Endpoint Protection | 6 | |
Panda Endpoint Protection | 7 | |
Panda Endpoint Protection | 8 | |
Panda Security for Desktops | 4 | |
Panda Free Antivirus | 18 | |
Panda Adaptive Defense 360 | 7 | |
Panda Adaptive Defense 360 | 8 | |
Panda Dome | 18 | |
Panda Endpoint Protection Plus | 8 | |
Panda Gold Protection | 16 | |
Panda Gold Protection | 17 | |
Panda Gold Protection | 7 | |
Panda Cloud Antivirus | 0 | |
Panda Cloud Antivirus | 1 | |
Panda Cloud Antivirus | 2 | |
Panda Cloud Antivirus | 6 | |
Panda Internet Security | 15 | |
Panda Internet Security | 16 | |
Panda Internet Security | 17 | |
Panda Internet Security | 18 | |
Panda Internet Security | 19 | |
Panda Antivirus Pro | 1 | |
Panda Antivirus Pro | 10 | |
Panda Antivirus Pro | 11 | |
Panda Antivirus Pro | 12 | |
Panda Antivirus Pro | 13 | |
Panda Antivirus Pro | 15 | |
Panda Antivirus Pro | 16 | |
Panda Antivirus Pro | 17 | |
Panda Antivirus Pro | 2 | |
Panda Antivirus Pro | 4 | |
Panda Antivirus Pro | 7 | |
Panda Antivirus Pro | 9 | |
TrustPort, a.s. | ||
TrustPort Tools | 2013 | |
TrustPort Tools | 2014 | |
TrustPort Internet Security | 11 | |
TrustPort Internet Security | 12 | |
TrustPort Internet Security | 13 | |
TrustPort Internet Security | 14 | |
TrustPort Internet Security | 2013 | |
TrustPort Internet Security | 2014 | |
TrustPort Antivirus | 11 | |
TrustPort Antivirus | 12 | |
TrustPort Antivirus | 13 | |
TrustPort Antivirus | 2013 | |
TrustPort Antivirus | 2014 | |
TrustPort Total Protection | 11 | |
TrustPort Total Protection | 12 | |
TrustPort Total Protection | 13 | |
TrustPort Total Protection | 14 | |
TrustPort Total Protection | 17 | |
TrustPort Total Protection | 2013 | |
TrustPort Total Protection | 2014 | |
Webroot Software, Inc. | ||
Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete | 9 | |
Webroot SecureAnywhere | 9 | |
Developer Tribe (Pvt) Ltd. | ||
Registry Recycler | 0 | |
ntldr | ||
DiskCryptor | 1 | |
EXLADE, Inc. | ||
Disk Password Protection | 4 | |
Disk Password Protection | 5 | |
Cryptic Disk Home Edition | 3 | |
Cryptic Disk Professional Edition | 3 | |
Cryptic Disk Ultimate Edition | 3 | |
Trend Micro, Inc. | ||
Trend Micro Titanium | 10 | |
Trend Micro Titanium | 16 | |
Trend Micro Titanium | 17 | |
Trend Micro Titanium | 3 | |
Trend Micro Titanium | 6 | |
Trend Micro Titanium | 7 | |
Trend Micro Titanium | 8 | |
Trend Micro Titanium | 9 | |
SecureCloud | 3 | |
Trend Micro Apex One Security Agent | 13 | |
Trend Micro Maximum Security | 10 | |
Trend Micro Maximum Security | 11 | |
Trend Micro Maximum Security | 12 | |
Trend Micro Maximum Security | 6 | |
Trend Micro Maximum Security | 7 | |
Trend Micro Maximum Security | 8 | |
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security | 10 | |
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security | 11 | |
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security | 12 | |
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security | 14 | |
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security | 15 | |
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security | 6 | |
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security | 7 | |
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security | 8 | |
Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus+ | 10 | |
Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus+ | 11 | |
Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus+ | 12 | |
Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus+ | 7 | |
Trend Micro OfficeScan Client | 10 | |
Trend Micro OfficeScan Client | 11 | |
Trend Micro OfficeScan Client | 12 | |
Trend Micro Deep Security Manager | 8 | |
Trend Micro Deep Security Manager | 9 | |
Trend Micro Deep Security Agent | 15 | |
Trend Micro Deep Security Agent | 16 | |
Trend Micro Deep Security Agent | 20 | |
Trend Micro Deep Security Agent | 9 | |
Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Agent | 18 | |
Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Agent | 19 | |
Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Agent | 20 | |
Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Agent | 5 | |
Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Agent | 6 | |
Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Agent | 7 | |
Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Agent | 8 | |
Dekart | ||
Dekart Private Disk | 2 | |
WareSoft Software | ||
Registry Smoker | 1 | |
Mail Attachment Downloader | 3 | |
Kopf | ||
Winmail Reader | 1 | |
Tencent | ||
1 | ||
Tencent PC Manager | 10 | |
QQ International | 1 | |
电脑管家 | 12 | | | ||
QIP | 4 | |
ThreatTrack Security, Inc. | ||
VIPRE Business Premium Agent | 5 | |
VIPRE Business Premium Agent | 6 | |
VIPRE Business Premium Agent | 7 | |
VIPRE Business Premium Agent | 8 | |
VIPRE Business Premium Agent | 9 | |
VIPRE Business Agent | 5 | |
VIPRE Business Agent | 6 | |
VIPRE Business Agent | 7 | |
VIPRE Business Agent | 8 | |
VIPRE Business Agent | 9 | |
VIPRE Endpoint Security Agent | 12 | |
VIPRE Advanced Security | 10 | |
VIPRE Internet Security | 0 | |
VIPRE Internet Security | 5 | |
VIPRE Internet Security | 6 | |
VIPRE Internet Security | 7 | |
VIPRE Internet Security | 8 | |
VIPRE Internet Security | 9 | |
VIPRE Antivirus | 11 | |
VIPRE Antivirus | 5 | |
VIPRE Antivirus | 6 | |
VIPRE Antivirus | 7 | |
VIPRE Antivirus | 8 | |
VIPRE Antivirus | 9 | |
Mail.Ru | ||
Mail.Ru Аgent | 6 | |
AVAST Software a.s. | ||
avast! File Server Security | 7 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 10 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 11 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 12 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 17 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 18 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 19 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 2014 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 2015 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 22 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 23 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 5 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 6 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 7 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 8 | |
avast! Free Antivirus | 9 | |
Avast Business Security | 17 | |
Avast Business Security | 18 | |
Avast Business Security | 19 | |
Avast Business Security | 20 | |
Avast Business Security | 21 | |
avast! Premier | 10 | |
avast! Premier | 11 | |
avast! Premier | 12 | |
avast! Premier | 17 | |
avast! Premier | 18 | |
avast! Premier | 8 | |
avast! Premier | 9 | |
avast! Internet Security | 10 | |
avast! Internet Security | 11 | |
avast! Internet Security | 12 | |
avast! Internet Security | 17 | |
avast! Internet Security | 18 | |
avast! Internet Security | 7 | |
avast! Internet Security | 8 | |
avast! Internet Security | 9 | |
avast! Pro Antivirus | 10 | |
avast! Pro Antivirus | 11 | |
avast! Pro Antivirus | 12 | |
avast! Pro Antivirus | 17 | |
avast! Pro Antivirus | 18 | |
avast! Pro Antivirus | 5 | |
avast! Pro Antivirus | 6 | |
avast! Pro Antivirus | 7 | |
avast! Pro Antivirus | 8 | |
avast! Pro Antivirus | 9 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Plus | 10 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Plus | 11 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Plus | 7 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Plus | 8 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Plus | 9 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Suite Plus | 10 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Suite Plus | 11 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Suite Plus | 7 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Suite Plus | 8 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Suite Plus | 9 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Suite | 10 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Suite | 11 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Suite | 7 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Suite | 8 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection Suite | 9 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection | 10 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection | 11 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection | 7 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection | 8 | |
avast! Endpoint Protection | 9 | |
Eolsoft | ||
Winmail Opener | 1 | |
P2P Rocket LLC | ||
P2P Rocket | 3 | |
Delivery Tech Corp. | ||
MailStyler | 2 | |
Miranda IM | ||
Miranda IM | 0 | |
PC Dynamics | ||
SafeHouse | 3 | |
Legendsoft, Inc. | ||
EnBackup | 1 | | | ||
SopCast | 3 | |
eEye Digital Security | ||
eEye Digital Security Blink Personal | 4 | |
eEye Digital Security Blink Personal | 5 | |
eEye Digital Security Blink Personal | 6 | |
eEye Digital Security Blink Professional | 4 | |
eEye Digital Security Blink Professional | 5 | |
eEye Digital Security Blink Professional | 6 | |
BitLord | ||
BitLord | 2 | |
RealNetworks, Inc. | ||
RealPlayer | 17 | |
PPLive Corporation | ||
PPTV网络电视 | 3 | |
Retrospect, Inc. | ||
Retrospect | 9 | |
Retrospect Client | 9 | |
Uniblue Systems Ltd | ||
RegistryCleanerKit | 1 | |
FileZilla Project | ||
FileZilla | 3 | |
IBM Corp. | ||
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations | 7 | |
Scooter Software | ||
Beyond Compare | 3 | |
Glorylogic | ||
True Burner | 7 | |
Image Tuner | 8 | |
Zoom Video Communications, Inc. | ||
Zoom | 5 | |
VideoLAN | ||
VLC media player | 2 | |
VLC media player | 2 | |
VLC media player | 3 | |
BackRex Software | ||
BackRex Outlook Backup | 2 | |
KMP Media co.,Ltd | ||
The KMPlayer | 3 | |
Convivea, Inc. | ||
Bit Che | 2 | |
Bit Che | 3 | |
Gretech Corporation | ||
GOM Player | 2 | |
GOM Video Converter | 1 | |
GOM Audio | 2 | |
ShareX Developers | ||
ShareX | 13 | |
COMODO Security Solutions | ||
cCloud | 3 | |
COMODO Cloud Antivirus | 1 | |
COMODO Client - Security | 11 | |
COMODO Client - Security | 8 | |
COMODO Antivirus | 10 | |
COMODO Antivirus | 5 | |
COMODO Antivirus | 6 | |
COMODO Antivirus | 8 | |
COMODO Internet Security Premium | 10 | |
COMODO Internet Security Premium | 11 | |
COMODO Internet Security Premium | 6 | |
COMODO Internet Security Premium | 8 | |
COMODO Firewall | 10 | |
COMODO Firewall | 11 | |
COMODO Firewall | 6 | |
COMODO Firewall | 7 | |
COMODO Firewall | 8 | |
COMODO Backup | 4 | |
IceDragon | 26 | |
Comodo Dragon | 33 | |
Comodo Dragon | 4 | |
CPUID | ||
HWMonitor PRO | 1 | |
HWMonitor | 1 | |
Telefónica S.A. | ||
Vivo Segurança Online | 1 | |
Vivo Segurança Online | 1 | |
Vivo Segurança Online | 1 | |
GEN-X Technologies | ||
Gen-X Total Security | 1 | |
Gen-X Total Security | 1 | |
Phoenix Backup | ||
Phoenix Backup | 3 | |
DAYU Technology Co., Ltd. | ||
DAYU Disk Master Free | 3 | |
DAYU Disk Master Professional | 3 | |
LogMeIn, Inc. | ||
LogMeIn Pro | 4 | |
Hamachi Client | 2 | |
LogMeIn Ignition | 1 | |
LogMeIn Backup | 3 | |
Codec Guide | ||
KLite Mega Codec Pack | 10 | |
Bandoo Media Inc. | ||
Shareaza | 2 | |
Lphant | 7 | |
Lphant | 8 | |
FrostWire | ||
FrostWire | 5 | |
Igor Pavlov | ||
7-Zip | 18 | |
7-Zip | 21 | |
7-Zip | 21 | |
Check Point Software Technologies | ||
Endpoint Connect | 5 | |
ZoneAlarm Security Suite | 4 | |
ZoneAlarm Security Suite | 8 | |
ZoneAlarm Security Suite | 9 | |
Check Point Endpoint Security - Full Disk Encryption | 7 | |
ZoneAlarm Backup | 6 | |
Check Point VPN-1 SecuRemote/SecureClient | 1 | |
ZoneAlarm PRO Firewall | 12 | |
ZoneAlarm PRO Firewall | 13 | |
ZoneAlarm PRO Firewall | 14 | |
ZoneAlarm PRO Firewall | 15 | |
ZoneAlarm PRO Antivirus + Firewall | 11 | |
ZoneAlarm PRO Antivirus + Firewall | 13 | |
ZoneAlarm PRO Antivirus + Firewall | 14 | |
ZoneAlarm PRO Antivirus + Firewall | 15 | |
ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite | 12 | |
ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite | 13 | |
ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite | 14 | |
ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus + Firewall | 13 | |
ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus + Firewall | 14 | |
ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus + Firewall | 15 | |
ZoneAlarm Extreme Security | 12 | |
ZoneAlarm Extreme Security | 13 | |
ZoneAlarm Extreme Security | 14 | |
ZoneAlarm Extreme Security | 15 | |
ZoneAlarm Free Firewall | 11 | |
ZoneAlarm Free Firewall | 12 | |
ZoneAlarm Free Firewall | 13 | |
ZoneAlarm Free Firewall | 14 | |
ZoneAlarm Free Firewall | 15 | |
TortoiseSVN | ||
TortoiseSVN | 1 | |
KC Softwares | ||
KCleaner | 3 | |
Spotify Ltd | ||
Spotify | 0 | |
Hewlett-Packard | ||
Wireless Mouse Suite | 1 | |
HP Update | 5 | |
Malwarebytes Corporation | ||
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium | 2 | |
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware | 1 | |
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware | 2 | |
Malwarebytes Secure Backup | 5 | |
Acer Incorporated | ||
Acer Docs | 1 | |
AcerCloud | 2 | |
Acer Crystal Eye Webcam | 5 | | | 1 | |
Docker, Inc. | ||
Boot2Docker | 1 | |
Docker Desktop | 4 | |
Ori Rejwan | ||
UMPlayer | 0 | |
BitTorrent Inc. | ||
BitTorrent | 0 | |
BitTorrent | 1 | |
BitTorrent | 2 | |
BitTorrent | 3 | |
BitTorrent | 4 | |
BitTorrent | 5 | |
BitTorrent | 6 | |
BitTorrent | 0 | |
BitTorrent | 1 | |
BitTorrent | 2 | |
BitTorrent | 3 | |
BitTorrent | 4 | |
BitTorrent | 5 | |
BitTorrent | 6 | |
BitTorrent | 7 | |
µTorrent | 2 | |
µTorrent | 3 | |
BitComet | ||
BitComet | 0 | |
BitComet | 1 | |
The Wireshark developer community | ||
Wireshark | 1 | |
Kingsoft Corporation | ||
Kingsoft Internet Security | 2010 | |
Kingsoft Antivirus | 2017 | |
Kingsoft Antivirus | 2012 | |
Kingsoft Writer | 9 | |
Benutec Software, INC | ||
RamCleaner | 7 | |
AWS Convergence Technologies, Inc. | ||
WeatherBug Desktop | 7 | | | ||
TortoiseGit | 1 | | | ||
Windows Firewall Control | 4 | |
Veeam Software AG | ||
Veeam Endpoint Backup | 1 | |
uZoft Ltd. | ||
vDesk | 1 | |
XetoWare | ||
Hotkey Utility | 1 | |
Atlassian | ||
HipChat | 1 | |
SourceTree | 1 | |
Elex do Brasil Participações Ltda | ||
YAC | 4 | |
Egis Technology Inc. | ||
MyWinLocker | 4 | |
CBS Interactive Inc. | ||
Download App | 1 | |
iS3, Inc. | ||
STOPzilla AntiVirus | 6 | |
AnchorFree, Inc. | ||
Hotspot Shield | 3 | |
Hotspot Shield | 7 | |
Expat Shield | 2 | |
Glarysoft Ltd | ||
Glary Utilities | 4 | |
Enigma Software Group USA, LLC. | ||
SpyHunter | 4 | |
Camshare, Inc. | ||
Camfrog Video Chat | 6 | |
Scandium Security Inc. | ||
UnThreat AntiVirus | 4 | |
GreenTree Applications SRL | ||
YTD Video Downloader | 4 | |
Tech Guard Technologies | ||
Tech Guard Internet Security | 17 | |
Eassos Technology Co., Ltd. | ||
Eassos System Restore | 2 | |
eSobi Inc. | ||
newsXpresso | 1 | |
LionSea Software | ||
SmartPCFixer | 5 | |
Wise Restore Deleted Folder | 2 | |
Sandisk Card Recovery | 2 | |
Wise Hard Disk Recovery | 2 | |
iphone Recovery Pro | 2 | |
SD Card Recovery | 2 | |
Smartphone data Recovery Pro | 2 | |
CardRecoveryPro | 2 | |
MMC Card Recovery Pro | 2 | |
Ulrich Krebs | ||
Back4Sure | 3 | |
Amic Tools | ||
Amic Email Backup | 3 | |
CyberLink Corp. | ||
MediaEspresso | 6 | |
YouCam | 6 | |
Driver Turbo | ||
DriverTurbo | 3 | |
GoodKatShare LLC | ||
Movie Torrent | 4 | |
Dell Inc. | ||
Stage | 1 | |
L Labs Inc. | ||
MyET-MyCT | 3 | |
MyET-MyCT | 5 | |
Nero AG | ||
Nero | 15 | |
Nero BackItUp | 15 | |
Andreas Baumann | ||
Z-DBackup | 6 | |
WildTangent | ||
WildTangent Games | 4 | |
txtr GmbH | ||
txtr ebooks | 1 | |
Enter Srl | ||
Iperius Backup | 4 | |
MicroWorld Technologies Inc. | ||
eScan Internet Security Suite for SMB | 11 | |
eScan Total Security | 14 | |
eScan Anti-Virus | 14 | |
eScan Internet Security | 14 | |
Little Apps | ||
Little Registry Cleaner | 1 | |
VirusBlokAda Ltd. | ||
Vba32 for Windows Vista | 3 | |
satheeshsoft | ||
Soft Cleaner | 2 | |
Edgewall Software | ||
Pidgin | 2 | |
Fogware Publishing | ||
Merriam-Webster Dictionary | 4 | |
IObit | ||
Advanced SystemCare | 14 | |
Advanced SystemCare | 5 | |
Advanced SystemCare | 6 | |
Advanced SystemCare | 7 | |
Driver Booster | 1 | |
Driver Booster | 6 | |
Smart Defrag | 3 | |
IObit Malware Fighter | 2 | |
IObit Security 360 | 1 | |
Advance Spyware Remover | 1 | |
Advance Spyware Remover | 2 | |
Popcorn Time | ||
Popcorn Time | 6 | |
Fungusware | ||
Xackup | 1 | |
Safer-Networking Ltd. | ||
Spybot - Search & Destroy | 2 | |
UltraBac Software | ||
UltraBac | 10 | |
IDrive Inc. | ||
IDrive | 6 | |
Juan M. Aguirregabiria | ||
Directory Compare | 3 | |
Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. | ||
Rising AntiVirus | 19 | |
Rising AntiVirus | 21 | |
Rising AntiVirus | 22 | |
Rising AntiVirus | 23 | |
Rising Personal FireWall | 20 | |
Rising Personal FireWall | 23 | |
Rising AntiVirus | 19 | |
Rising AntiVirus | 21 | |
Rising AntiVirus | 22 | |
Rising AntiVirus | 23 | |
Rising Internet Security | 21 | |
Rising Internet Security | 23 | |
Rising Personal FireWall | 20 | |
Rising Personal FireWall | 23 | |
Visicom Media Inc. | ||
ManyCam | 4 | |
Innovative Solutions | ||
DriverMax | 7 | |
Advanced Uninstaller PRO | 11 | |
Essential Data Tools | ||
ExtraBackup | 1 | |
Auslogics | ||
DiskDefrag | 4 | |
Auslogics BitReplica | 2 | |
Auslogics Registry Cleaner | 3 | |
Auslogics Registry Cleaner | 9 | |
Auslogics Antivirus 2013 | 16 | |
Auslogics Registry Defrag | 13 | |
Auslogics BoostSpeed | 6 | |
Auslogics File Recovery | 4 | |
Cyotek Ltd | ||
Cyotek CopyTools | 1 | |
Radialpoint Inc. | ||
Tech Tune-Up Security | 16 | |
WiseCleaner | ||
Wise Care 365 | 2 | |
Wise Registry Cleaner | 7 | |
Wise Data Recovery | 3 | |
Wise Data Recovery | 5 | |
Wise Disk Cleaner | 8 | |
Wise Auto Shutdown | 1 | |
Wise JetSearch | 1 | |
Wise Game Booster | 1 | |
Wise Reminder | 1 | |
Wise Program Uninstaller | 1 | |
Wise Folder Hider | 2 | |
Wise PC 1stAid | 1 | |
Wise Plugin Manager | 1 | |
Kruptos 2 Software | ||
Kruptos 2 | 3 | |
mIRC Co. Ltd. | ||
mIRC | 7 | |
Free Time | ||
FormatFactory | 3 | |
Cylance Inc. | ||
CylancePROTECT | 2 | |
Advanced Threat Prevention | 2 | |
OSToto Co., Ltd. | ||
Driver Talent | 8 | |
Webminds, Inc. | ||
RegAce System Suite | 3 | | | ||
Media Player Codec Pack | 4 | |
Nitro PDF Pty. Ltd. | ||
Nitro Reader | 3 | |
PrimoPDF | 5 | |
FastStone Soft | ||
FastStone Image Viewer | 4 | |
Kingosoft Technology Ltd. | ||
Kingo Android ROOT | 1 | |
Flash-Integro LLC | ||
VSDC Free Video Editor | 2 | |
Maël Hörz | ||
HxD | 1 | |
N-able Technologies Inc | ||
Security Manager AV Defender | 5 | |
Security Manager AV Defender | 6 | |
Lavasoft | ||
Ad-Aware | 10 | |
Ad-Aware | 9 | |
Ad-Aware Security Add-on Toolbar | 3 | |
Lavasoft Personal Firewall | 3 | |
Lavasoft Privacy Toolbox | 7 | |
Lavasoft PC Optimizer | 3 | |
Lavasoft Digital Lock | 7 | |
Lavasoft Registry Tuner | 2 | |
Lavasoft Driver Updater | 3 | |
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. | ||
Samsung AllShare | 2 | |
Kies | 3 | |
dotPDN LLC | ||
Paint.NET | 3 | |
KirySoft | ||
KLS Backup Professional | 8 | |
KLS Backup Standard | 8 | |
Abelssoft | ||
Registry Cleaner | 7 | |
K7 Computing Pvt Ltd | ||
K7 Endpoint Security | 14 | |
K7 Anti-Virus Plus | 11 | |
K7 Anti-Virus Plus | 12 | |
K7 Anti-Virus Plus | 13 | |
K7 Anti-Virus Plus | 15 | |
K7 Anti-Virus Plus | 16 | |
K7 AntiVirus Premium | 11 | |
K7 AntiVirus Premium | 12 | |
K7 AntiVirus Premium | 13 | |
K7 AntiVirus Premium | 15 | |
K7 AntiVirus Premium | 16 | |
K7 Total Security | 11 | |
K7 Total Security | 12 | |
K7 Total Security | 13 | |
K7 Total Security | 14 | |
K7 Total Security | 15 | |
K7 Total Security | 16 | |
K7 Ultimate Security | 13 | |
K7 Ultimate Security | 15 | |
K7 Ultimate Security | 16 | |
K7SecureWeb | 1 | |
Cloudeight Internet, LLC. | ||
Zappit System Cleaner | 1 | |
Emsisoft Ltd | ||
Emsisoft Anti-Malware | 11 | |
Emsisoft Anti-Malware | 5 | |
Emsisoft Anti-Malware | 6 | |
Emsisoft Anti-Malware | 7 | |
Emsisoft Anti-Malware | 9 | |
Online Armor | 7 | |
Apache Software Foundation | ||
Apache HTTP Server | 2 | |
Open Office | 4 | |
Secunia | ||
Secunia PSI | 3 | |
Sophos Limited | ||
Sophos Home | 1 | |
Sophos Endpoint Agent | 2 | |
Sophos Endpoint Agent | 2022 | |
Sophos Endpoint Security and Control | 10 | |
Sophos Endpoint Security and Control | 11 | |
ESTsoft Corp. | ||
ALSong | 1 | |
ALFTP | 5 | |
Datalink Industrial Corporation | ||
ProDot Antivirus | 1 | |
iSheriff | ||
Endpoint Security | 5 | |
AOL Inc. | ||
Active Security Monitor | 2 | |
adaware | ||
adaware antivirus free | 12 | |
adaware antivirus | 12 | |
SlimWare Utilities, Inc. | ||
SlimDrivers | 2 | |
SlimCleaner | 4 | |
JetAudio, Inc. | ||
jetAudio | 8 | |
CrowdStrike, Inc. | ||
CrowdStrike Falcon | 5 | |
CrowdStrike Falcon | 6 | |
CSIS Security Group | ||
Heimdal Free | 1 | |
Heimdal Free | 2 | |
Heimdal Corp | 1 | |
Heimdal Corp | 2 | |
LULU Software Limited | ||
Soda PDF 3D Reader | 5 | |
Yukihiro Matsumoto | ||
Ruby | 1 | |
Dimitri van Heesch | ||
Doxygen | 1 | |
ActiveState | ||
ActivePerl | 5 | |
AOMEI Technology Co., Ltd. | ||
Backupper | 3 | |
Disc Soft Ltd | ||
DAEMON Tools Lite | 4 | |
DAEMON Tools Pro | 5 | |
DAEMON Tools Ultra | 2 | |
2345移动科技 | ||
2345安全卫士 | 3 | |
NIFTY Corporation | ||
常時安全セキュリティ24 | 7 | |
常時安全セキュリティ24 | 19 | |
常時安全セキュリティ24 | 20 | |
Faronics Corporation | ||
Faronics Anti-Virus | 4 | |
Byte Technologies LLC | ||
ByteFence Anti-Malware | 5 | |
Trend Media Corporation Limited | ||
FlashGet | 1 | |
FlashGet | 3 | |
Paramount Software UK Ltd | ||
Macrium Reflect | 5 | |
Notepad++ Team | ||
Notepad++ | 8 | |
Notepad++ | 8 | |
Riverbed Technology, Inc. | ||
WinPcap | 4 | |
JetBrains | ||
TeamCity | 8 | |
Fujitsu Services Ltd. | ||
Fujitsu Internet Security | 16 | |
VMware, Inc. | ||
VMware Player | 12 | |
VMware Player | 13 | |
VMware Player | 14 | |
VMware Player | 15 | |
VMware Player | 3 | |
VMware Workstation | 9 | |
ShiningMorning Inc. | ||
MagicCamera | 8 | |
Skype Technologies S.A. | ||
Skype | 8 | |
Cyberduck | ||
Cyberduck | 4 | |
DigitalVolcano Software Ltd | ||
Duplicate Cleaner Free | 3 | |
TextCrawler | 2 | |
DigitalVolcano Hash Tool | 1 | |
Duplicate Cleaner Pro | 3 | |
Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | ||
Cortex XDR | 7 | |
Philipp Winterberg | ||
Free RAR Extract Frog | 3 | |
HAN Software | ||
Epub Reader for Windows | 5 | |
Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | ||
Sublime Text | 3 | |
Sublime Text | 3 | |
Sublime Text | 2 | |
Sublime Text | 2 | |
PowerOfSoftware Ltd. | ||
Photo Pos Pro | 1 | |
Technitium | ||
Technitium MAC Address Changer | 6 | |
MetaMachine | ||
eDonkey | 1 | |
eM Client, Inc. | ||
eM Client | 6 | |
Informative Graphics Corp. | ||
Brava! FreeDWG Viewer | 7 | |
Chili Security | ||
Chili Security for PC | 24 | |
ImgBurn | 2 | |
The Audacity Team | ||
Audacity | 2 | |
Cisco Systems, Inc | ||
Webex | 41 | |
NCH Software | ||
VideoPad | 3 | |
FileFort Backup | 3 | |
Orion File Recovery Software | 1 | |
MPC-HC Team | ||
MPC-HC | 1 | |
GoldWave Inc. | ||
GoldWave | 5 | |
PlotSoft L.L.C. | ||
PDFill PDF Editor | 11 | |
Power Software Ltd | ||
PowerISO | 5 | |
ooVoo LLC | ||
ooVoo | 3 | |
TeamViewer GmbH | ||
TeamViewer | 15 | |
QuickDove | ||
QuickDove Client | 2 | |
QuickDove Server | 2 | |
Cynet Security LTD | ||
CynetEPS | 3 | |
Participatory Culture Foundation | ||
Miro | 5 | |
Miro | 6 | |
B Labs | ||
Bopup Messenger | 6 | |
CoSoSys Ltd. | ||
Endpoint Protector Client | 5 | |
Asurvio, LP | ||
Driver Support One | 2 | |
DVDVideoSoft Ltd. | ||
DVDVideoSoft Free Video to MP3 Converter | 5 | |
DsNET | ||
aTube Catcher | 3 | |
Speedbit Ltd. | ||
Download Accelerator Plus | 10059 | |
Convert Audio Free | ||
Free MP4 to AVI Converter | 1 | |
VipRumor LLC | ||
VIP Torrent | 3 | |
VIP Torrent | 4 | |
AutoBAUP | ||
Second Backup | 9 | |
DriverIdentifier | ||
DriverIdentifier | 6 | |
Device Doctor Software Inc. | ||
Device Doctor | 5 | |
PicPick | 3 | | | ||
PCSleek Free Error Cleaner | 3 | |
ICQ | ||
ICQ | 8 | |
Beijing Huorong Network Technology Co., Ltd. | ||
Huorong Internet Security | 5 | |
WordWeb Software | ||
WordWeb | 7 | |
Qi An Xin Group | ||
Gotion天擎 | 6 | |
Sangfor Technologies Inc. | ||
EDR终端防护中心 | 3 | |
Cisco Systems, Inc. | ||
Cisco Secure Endpoint | 7 | |
Cisco Secure Endpoint (x86) | 7 | |
Facebook Messenger | ||
FB Messenger | 2 | |
Tipi Software | ||
TudZu | 1 | |
Ask Partner Network | ||
Ask Toolbar | 1 | |
Ask Toolbar | 10 | |
Ask Toolbar | 11 | |
Ask Toolbar | 12 | |
Ask Toolbar | 2 | |
Ask Toolbar | 3 | |
Ask Toolbar | 4 | |
Ask Toolbar | 5 | |
Ask Toolbar | 6 | |
Ask Toolbar | 7 | |
Ask Toolbar | 8 | |
Ask Toolbar | 9 | |
360.CN | ||
360 终端安全管理系统 | 10 | |
ESIB | ||
ShareIT | 1 | |
Paragon Software Group | ||
Paragon Backup & Recovery | 90 | |
Paragon System Utilities | 90 | |
Convar Deutschland GmbH | ||
PC Inspector Smart Recovery | 4 | |
Actysoft Inc | ||
Global Downloader | 1 | |
Pro Data Doctor | ||
DDR - Pen Drive Recovery | 4 | |
DDR - Pen Drive Recovery | 5 | |
DDR - Memory Card Recovery | 5 | |
DDR - Mobile Phone Recovery | 5 | |
DDR (Professional) Recovery | 5 | |
Wondershare | ||
Wondershare Data Recovery | 4 | |
Wondershare Dr.Fone for Android | 4 | |
Huntersoft | ||
Huntersoft My Drivers | 5 | |
Runtime Software | ||
DriveImage XML | 2 | |
Gajjar Tejas | ||
IDM Backup Manage | 0 | |
Remo Software | ||
Remo Recover | 4 | |
aMule Team | ||
aMule | 2 | |
MiniDVDSoft Limited | ||
Free DVD to ISO Maker | 1 | |
MiniDVDSoft Free DVD ISO Burner | 1 | |
MiniDVDSoft Free ISO Creator | 1 | |
Comfort Software Group | ||
Free Alarm Clock | 3 | |
Eagle Studio | ||
MyDVDRipper | 1 | |
Foxit Software | ||
Foxit Reader | 6 | |
Foxit PhantomPDF | 6 | |
Azureus Software, Inc | ||
Vuze | 5 | | | ||
TorrentSearch | 1 | |
eSupport | ||
UndeletePlus | 1 | |
MyJad Software | ||
Myjad SMS Recovery | 1 | |
Myjad Android Contacts Recovery | 1 | |
PCDiskTools | ||
PC Disk Clone X | 11 | |
@MAX Software | ||
@MAX SyncUp | 5 | |
Leawo Software | ||
Leawo iOS Data Recovery | 2 | |
Reincubate Ltd | ||
BlackBerry Backup Extractor | 2 | |
Nbxsoft | ||
Free Create-Burn ISO | 1 | |
Apple Inc. | ||
iTunes | 11 | |
Safari | 5 | |
iCloud | 3 | |
Lazesoft | ||
Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home | 3 | |
Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home | 4 | |
Lazesoft Data Recovery Home | 3 | |
Towodo Software | ||
Floppy Image | 2 | |
All Image | 1 | |
NewTech Infosystems, Inc. | ||
NTI Backup Now EZ | 1 | |
Centered Systems | ||
Second Copy | 8 | |
Super Flexible Software | ||
Syncovery | 6 | |
Syncovery | 7 | |
GeloSoft | ||
Synchromagic | 5 | |
12Bytes | ||
AutoBacker | 1 | |
Opera Software | ||
Opera | 21 | |
GoldSolution Software, Inc. | ||
Driver Magician | 5 | |
Driver Magician Lite | 4 | |
Codessentials | ||
Yadis! Backup | 1 | |
LastBit Software | ||
Alien Registry Viewer | 3 | | Software | ||
iPhone Backup Utility | 4 | |
Kroll Ontrack Inc. | ||
Ontrack PowerControls | 7 | |
Neitsoft, Inc. | ||
Automatic USB Backup | 4 | |
SyncBack4all | 9 | |
Keriver technology inc. | ||
Keriver 1-Click Restore Free | 3 | |
TGRMN Software | ||
ViceVersa FREE | 1 | |
ASCOMP Software GmbH | ||
BackUp Maker | 7 | |
Synchredible | 4 | |
Synchredible | 5 | |
Fenrir Inc. | ||
Sleipnir | 3 | |
Karen Kenworthy | ||
Karen's Replicator | 3 | |
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. | ||
WD SmartWare | 2 | |
AceBIT GmbH | ||
AceBackup | 3 | |
Oxygen Software | ||
Oxygen Express Trial | 1 | |
Dionel de la Cruz | ||
MyBackup | 0 | |
MyBackup | 1 | |
PicaJet.Com | ||
PicaJet Photo Recovery | 1 | |
BitRope | ||
BitRope Sharing | 1 | |
BitRope Sharing | 2 | |
Montiera Technologies LTD | ||
Bueno Search Toolbar | 1 | |
CaffeeSoft | ||
Glace Space | 1 | | | ||
DiskCopy | 1 | |
DiskCopy | 3 | |
Anomos Liberty Enhancements | ||
Anomos | 0 | |
Synametrics Technologies | ||
DeltaCopy | 1 | |
VSO Software | ||
CopyTo | 5 | |
BigMuscle | ||
StrongDC++ | 2 | |
NovaStor Corporation | ||
NovaBACKUP | 15 | |
Choopan Rattanapoka | ||
Yet ABC | 3 | | | ||
MiPony | 2 | |
CyberArtemis LLC | ||
Artemis | 4 | |
CMC InfoSec | ||
CMC Antivirus | 2 | |
CMC Internet Security | 2 | |
Total Defense, Inc. | ||
Total Defense Internet Security Suite | 8 | |
Total Defense Internet Security Suite | 9 | |
Total Defense PC Tune-Up | 4 | |
Total Defense Anti-Virus | 9 | |
TechSono Engineering, Inc. | ||
SuperNZB | 4 | |
ALLIT Service, LLC. | ||
Zillya! Antivirus for Business | 1 | |
Zillya! Internet Security | 1 | |
Zillya! Antivirus | 1 | |
Anvisoft Inc. | ||
Anvi Ultimate Defrag | 1 | |
Cloud System Booster | 3 | |
Anvi Smart Defender | 1 | |
Speedy P2P Movie Finder | 4 | |
The qBittorrent project | ||
qBittorrent | 3 | |
qBittorrent | 4 | |
Arcabit | ||
Arcabit Internet Security | 2014 | |
Arcabit AntiVirus | 2014 | |
Comcast | ||
Constant Guard Protection Suite | 1 | |
Cruxp2p | ||
Crux P2P | 4 | |
Filseclab Corporation | ||
Twister Antivirus | 7 | |
Twister Antivirus | 8 | |
Deluge Team | ||
Deluge | 1 | |
Alistair George | ||
Back4WinXP | 6 | | | ||
Active@ Disk Image | 5 | |
Max Secure Software | ||
Max Secure Anti Virus | 19 | |
Max Internet Securіty | 19 | |
Max Secure Total Security | 19 | |
Max Internet Optimizer | 1 | |
AnonySurf | 1 | |
Max PC Booster | 1 | |
Max PC Safe | 5 | |
Max PC Privacy | 6 | |
Max Folder Secure | 2 | |
Max File Shredder | 2 | |
Max Registry Cleaner | 6 | |
Max Spyware Detector | 19 | |
Max Secure Anti Virus Plus | 19 | |
Max RAM Optimizer | 1 | |
Essentware S.A. | ||
PCKeeper Antivirus | 1 | |
Kromtech | ||
PCKeeper Live | 2 | |
Xyvos Technologies | ||
Xyvos Antivirus | 1 | |
Xyvos WhiteList Antivirus | 1 | |
Pixelab | ||
XXClone | 2 | |
Csiri Kincses | ||
Mirror Image | 1 | |
Memeo Inc. | ||
Memeo Backup Premium | 4 | |
Seekar Ltd | ||
Ares | 2 | |
MP2P Technologies | ||
MP2P Servent | 3 | |
Manolito | 3 | |
Piolet | 3 | |
Fortinet Inc. | ||
FortiClient | 25 | |
FortiClient | 5 | |
FortiClient | 6 | | | ||
System Protect | 1 | |
ElcomSoft Co. Ltd. | ||
Elcomsoft Blackberry Backup Explorer | 10 | |
Doctor Web, Ltd. | ||
Dr.Web Anti-virus for Windows | 7 | |
Dr.Web Security Space | 7 | |
EFS Software, Inc. | ||
Easy File Sharing Web Server | 6 | |
Security Software Limited | ||
Preventon Antivirus | 4 | |
Preventon Antivirus | 5 | |
Preventon Firewall | 1 | |
SPAMfighter ApS | ||
VIRUSfighter | 7 | |
SPYWAREfighter | 4 | |
Deepnet Security | ||
Deepnet Explorer | 1 | |
VS Revo Group | ||
Revo Uninstaller | 1 | |
Revo Uninstaller Pro | 3 | |
HDD Labs. Inc | ||
PJMagic Total Security | 1 | |
FRISK Software International | ||
F-PROT Antivirus for Windows | 6 | |
Thirtyseven4 | ||
Thirtyseven4 AntiVirus | 11 | |
Thirtyseven4 AntiVirus | 12 | |
Thirtyseven4 AntiVirus | 13 | |
iolo technologies, LLC | ||
iolo System Mechanic Professional | 10 | |
iolo System Mechanic Professional | 11 | |
iolo System Mechanic Professional | 12 | |
iolo System Shield | 4 | |
iolo Search and Recover | 5 | |
PC Security Shield | ||
The Shield Deluxe | 14 | |
Security Shield | 16 | |
CA, Inc. | ||
CA Internet Security Suite | 7 | |
Beijing Jiangmin New Sci. & Tech. Co., Ltd | ||
KV Antivirus | 13 | |
RetroShare Team | ||
RetroShare | 0 | |
Node Master | ||
Nodezilla client | 0 | |
Phex Development Team | ||
Phex | 3 | |
Crawler Group | ||
Spyware Terminator | 3 | |
heavy_baby | ||
Cabos | 0 | |
LaCie | ||
Wuala | 1 | |
FeyTools LLC. | ||
FeyAccelerator | 2 | |
FeyTorrents | 2 | |
Axantum Software AB | ||
AxCrypt | 1 | |
Botkind, Inc. | ||
Allway Sync | 14 | |
CJSC Returnil Software | ||
Returnil Virtual System Lite | 2 | |
Returnil Virtual System Pro | 3 | |
Returnil System Safe | 3 | |
Utimaco Safeware AG | ||
SafeGuard PrivateDisk | 1 | |
SafeGuard PrivateDisk | 2 | |
SafeGuard PrivateCrypto | 2 | |
Hauri, Inc. | ||
ViRobot Internet Security | 2011 | |
Torrent Raptors LLC | ||
Torrent Captor | 1 | |
Torrent Captor | 2 | |
WireStack | ||
WireStack | 2 | |
WireStack | 3 | |
SecurStar GmbH | ||
DriveCrypt | 5 | |
Langmeier Software GmbH, Switzerland | ||
Langmeier Backup | 6 | |
Bram Cohen | ||
TurboBT | 5 | |
The StealthNet Team | ||
StealthNet | 0 | |
eMule | ||
eMule | 0 | |
Trilixp2p | ||
Trilix | 4 | | | ||
Inkscape | 0 | |
Blender Foundation | ||
Blender | 2 | |
Spencer Kimball, Peter Mattis and the GIMP Development Team | ||
GIMP | 2 | |
HermesP2P LLC | ||
Hermes | 4 | |
Swift | ||
Swift | 2 | |
Spotflux | ||
Spotflux | 2 | |
Live2Support | ||
CD Messenger | 2 | |
LINE Corporation | ||
LINE | 3 | |
Gajim Development Team | ||
Gajim | 0 | |
iMesh, Inc | ||
iMesh | 11 | |
iMesh | 12 | |
Emesene | ||
Emesene | 2 | |
AVM Software Inc. | ||
Paltalk Messenger | 11 | |
Agematis | ||
steekUP | 4 | |
FreeFileSync | ||
FreeFileSync | 5 | |
FreeFileSync | 6 | |
LC Technology International, Inc. | ||
RescuePRO | 5 | |
Metacafe | ||
Metacafe | 1 | | | ||
Anti NetCut | 1 | |
Privacyware/PWI, Inc. | ||
Privatefirewall | 7 | |
The Orbitum Authors | ||
Orbitum Browser | 32 | |
Károly Pados | ||
TinyWall | 2 | |
PeerBlock, LLC | ||
PeerBlock | 1 | |
Google Books Downloader | 2 | |
Titan Products Corp | ||
Titan Browser | 33 | |
ShareGhost | ||
ShareGhost | 3 | |
ProgrammerWorld.Net | ||
NetDefender | 1 | |
Calluna Software | ||
WebRipper | 1 | |
Jacek Sieka | ||
DC++ | 0 | |
Tim Tucker | ||
Torrent Swapper | 1 | |
C.Y.Yen | ||
ResophNotes | 1 | |
Safetica Technologies | ||
Safetica | 4 | |
Freemake | ||
Freemake Video Downloader | 3 | |
XMind Ltd. | ||
XMind | 3 | |
Kovid Goyal | ||
Calibre | 1 | |
Evernote Corp. | ||
Evernote | 5 | |
Memopal | ||
Memopal | 4 | |
FlashPeak Inc. | ||
FlashPeak SlimBrowser | 7 | | | ||
iCall | 7 | |
Stardock Corporation | ||
Fences | 2 | |
ObjectDock | 2 | |
Download Freely, LLC. | ||
Open Freely | 1 | |
Trimble Navigation Limited | ||
SketchUp | 3 | |
DNAML Pty Ltd | ||
PDF to EPUB | 1 | |
Globalscape, Inc. | ||
CuteFTP | 9 | |
TechSmith Corporation | ||
Snagit | 11 | |
Camtasia Studio | 8 | |
Softros Systems, Inc. | ||
Softros LAN Messenger | 6 | |
SpiderOak | ||
SpiderOak | 5 | |
Mozy, Inc. | ||
MozyHome | 2 | |
digital-defender | ||
digital-defender Antivirus | 2 | |
Martin Prikryl | ||
WinSCP | 5 | |
Atanium Software. | ||
PC Spyware Protection | 1 | |
Avant Force | ||
Avant Browser | 12 | |
ApexDC++ Development Team | ||
ApexDC++ | 1 | |
ApexDC++ | 1 | |
Mediasoft | ||
Karaoke | 40 | |, Inc. | ||
PC-Clean | 1 | |
GridinSoft LLC. | ||
Trojan Killer | 2 | |
Nathan Moinvaziri | ||
ExtractNow | 4 | |
JetBrains | ||
IntelliJ IDEA | 135 | |
Evonsoft | ||
Advanced System Restore | 2 | |
SOS Online Backup | ||
SOS Online Backup | 5 | |
ZONER software | ||
Zoner Photo Studio | 16 | |
IKARUS Security Software GmbH | ||
IKARUS anti.virus | 2 | |
Epingsoft | ||
DocX Viewer | 1 | |
Tango Inc. | ||
Tango Video Calls | 1 | |
CometNetwork | ||
CometBird | 4 | |
Pairsys Inc. | ||
DriverFix | 1 | |
DriverFix | 4 | |
Nimbuzz | ||
Nimbuzz Messenger | 2 | |
Canneverbe Limited | ||
CDBurnerXP | 4 | |
PuTTY | ||
PuTTY | 0 | |
Zimbra, Inc. | ||
Zimbra Desktop | 7 | |
XnSoft | ||
XnView | 2 | |
pdfforge GmbH | ||
PDFCreator | 1 | |
Greenshot | ||
Greenshot | 1 | |
Tracker Software Products Ltd. | ||
PDF-XChange Viewer | 2 | |
Thingamahoochie Software | ||
WinMerge | 2 | |
Python Software Foundation | ||
Python 2.7 | 3 | |
Nullsoft, Inc. | ||
Winamp | 5 | |
OpenSight Software, LLC | ||
FlashFXP | 4 | |
P2PGEMS | ||
Emerald P2P UltraPeer | 2 | |
Sapphire P2P Rush | 1 | |
Sapphire P2P Rush | 2 | |
Sapphire P2P Rush | 6 | |
Private Group | ||
Tribler | 6 | |
Rebrand Software, LLC | ||
P2P Share Spy | 5 | |
The Transmission Project | ||
Transmission | 2 | |
TruxShare | ||
TruxShare | 4 | |
The Instantbird Team | ||
Instantbird | 1 | |
Softland | ||
FBackup | 5 | |
Backup4all | 5 | |
Tiny Software Inc. | ||
Tiny Firewall | 6 | |
Firetrust | ||
MailWasher Free | 7 | |
CoolwareMax | ||
WebcamMax | 7 | |
The Document Foundation | ||
LibreOffice | 4 | |
StorageCraft Technology Corp | ||
ShadowProtect Desktop | 5 | |
Dynamikode Software Ltd. | ||
Dynamikode USB Security Suite | 1 | |
Defender Pro | ||
Defender Pro 15-in-1 | 16 | |
Defender Pro PC Medic | 4 | | | ||
K-Meleon | 1 | |
Ebay, Inc. | ||
EBay Toolbar | 1 | |
Old McDonald's Farm | ||
Autorun Eater | 2 | |
Thanksoft | ||
Mask Surf | 3 | |
LiveChat, Inc. | ||
LiveChat | 6 | |
Novosoft LLC | ||
Handy Backup | 7 | |
DESlock Limited | ||
DESlock+ | 4 | | | ||
TorrentRover | 0 | |
ExoSee | ||
ExoSee | 1 | |
Tixati Software Inc. | ||
Tixati | 1 | |
Maxthon International ltd. | ||
Maxthon Cloud Browser | 4 | |
gtk-gnutella developers | ||
gtk-gnutella | 0 | |
gtk-gnutella | 1 | |, Inc. | ||
ARO | 8 | |
BrightFort LLC | ||
SpywareBlaster | 5 | |
SUPERAntiSpyware | ||
SUPERAntiSpyware | 5 | |
SUPERAntiSpyware | 6 | |
Smadsoft | ||
SmadAV | 9 | |
SuperEasy Software GmbH & Co. KG | ||
SuperEasy 1-Click Backup | 1 | |
SuperEasy Backup Pro | 1 | |
SuperEasy Registry Cleaner | 1 | |
SuperEasy Live Defrag | 1 | |
SuperEasy Photo Booster | 1 | |
SuperEasy Video Booster | 1 | |
SuperEasy Video Converter | 2 | |
Flock, Inc. | ||
Flock | 2 | |
Sitoo AB | ||
Sitoo Web | 1 | |
WeFi | ||
WeFi | 4 | |
Lunascape Corporation | ||
Lunascape | 6 | |
Helios Software Solutions | ||
TextPad | 7 | |
Soonr | ||
Soonr Desktop Client | 4 | |
Netscape | ||
Netscape Navigator | 9 | |
Druva | ||
Druva inSync | 0 | |
Druva inSync | 5 | |
Driver-Soft Inc. | ||
Driver Genius | 14 | |
Viber Media S.à r.l. | ||
Viber | 3 | |
RaidCall | 5 | |
CounterPath | ||
X-Lite | 45 | |
Electronic Arts | ||
Origin | 9 | |
NETGEAR Inc. | ||
NETGEAR Genie | 2 | |
Coranti, Inc. | ||
Coranti | 1 | |
DBGO | ||
DBGO | 0 | |
GiliSoft International LLC | ||
Free Disk Cleaner | 2014 | |
GiliSoft DVD Region CSS Decryption | 2 | |
GiliSoft USB Lock | 4 | |
GiliSoft DVD Ripper | 4 | |
GiliSoft Privacy Protector | 5 | |
GiliSoft Screen Recorder | 4 | |
GiliSoft Video Editor | 6 | |
GiliSoft USB Stick Encryption | 5 | |
GiliSoft Full Disk Encryption | 3 | |
John Hoffman | ||
BitTornado | 0 | |
MediaFire, LLC | ||
MediaFire Desktop | 0 | |
NCP engineering GmbH | ||
NCP Secure Entry Client | 9 | |
Shadow Defender | 1 |