[KB7722] Use the Agent Script Installer to deploy the ESET Management Agent


Required user permissions

This article assumes that you have the appropriate access rights and permissions to perform the tasks below.

If you use the default Administrator user or are unable to perform the tasks below (the option is unavailable), create a second administrator user with all access rights.

  • Deploy the ESET Management Agent via Agent Script Installer

Click the expanders below to show the procedure for ESET PROTECT or ESET PROTECT On-Prem:

  • Install ESET Management Agent on all client computers where other ESET PROTECT components or ESET endpoint products are installed using an Agent script installer


macOS and Linux users only

The deployment of the ESET Management Agent and the ESET endpoint product together from ESET PROTECT via an Agent script installer is available on macOS and Linux only.

Alternative deployment option (Windows and macOS users)

An alternative local deployment option is to create a Live Installer to deploy ESET Management Agent and ESET endpoint product.

New ESET PROTECT instance

If you create a new ESET PROTECT instance, deploy ESET endpoint products to client computers.

Error 1603 when deploying the ESET Management Agent

Occasionally, during ESET Management Agent installation, the notification "Error code 1603 - Installation ended prematurely" will be displayed.

Use the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this error:

  • If you run the Agent script installer from a shared location, copy the script installer file to the local disk and attempt the installation again.
  • When you run the Agent script installer, right-click it and select Run as Administrator from the context menu.

If the issue persists, collect and submit an ESET Sysinspector log for ESET Technical Support.

  1. Click Quick links and click macOS devices or Linux devices (in this example, macOS devices have been selected).

    Figure 1-1
  2. Click Customize Installer.

    Figure 1-2
  3. Select Deploy Agent first (Agent script installer). You can deselect the check box next to Participate in product improvement program if you do not want to help ESET improve our product. Under the Parent Group, click Select or Create to select or create a group where ESET PROTECT will place the computer after an Agent installation. Read more about Parent Groups. Optionally, click Customize more settings (click the expander below this step to review the settings). Click Save & Download.

    Figure 1-3

    Click to view Customize more settings section

    Click Customize more settings as mentioned in step 4. You can change the Installer name and add a Description. Optionally, select the Tags, select or create Agent configuration, or select the check box next to Enable HTTP proxy settings if you enable HTTP proxy settings, type the required details: Host, Port, Login and Password). When you are finished customizing settings, click Save & Download.

    Figure 1-4

  1. Download and run the installation package file on a client computer. It will install the ESET Management Agent and connect it to ESET PROTECT.

Read more information on how to create an Agent script installer.

  • Install ESET Management Agent on all client computers where other ESET PROTECT On-Prem components or ESET endpoint products are installed


Are you a macOS or Linux user?

Windows users only

The deployment of the ESET Management Agent and the ESET endpoint product together from ESET PROTECT On-Prem is available on Windows only.

"Failed to get installers" or "Failed to synchronize package repository"

If you receive a "Failed to get installers" or "Failed to synchronize package repository" error while performing the steps below, your third-party firewall could be blocking certain communications based on the country of origin. If this is the case, we recommend allowing communications for ESET PROTECT On-Prem repository.

New ESET PROTECT On-Prem installation

If you are performing a new installation of ESET PROTECT On-Prem, deploy or upgrade ESET endpoint products using ESET PROTECT On-Prem.

Error 1603 when installing the ESET Management Agent

Occasionally, during ESET Management Agent installation, the notification "Error code 1603- Installation ended prematurely" will be displayed. Use the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this error:

  • If you run the ESET script installer (formerly ESET Live Installer) from a shared location, copy the script installer file to the local disk and attempt the installation again.
  • When you run the Agent script installer, right-click it and select Run as Administrator from the context menu.
  • If the issue persists, collect and submit an ESET Sysinspector log to ESET Technical Support.
Peer certificates and Certification Authority in the Static Group All

Peer certificates and Certification Authority created during the installation are, by default, contained in the Static Group All.

  1. Click Quick LinksDeploy Agent.

    Figure 2-1
  1. Select Windows and choose Deploy Agent first (Agent script installer). You can deselect the check box next to Participate in product improvement program if you do not want to help ESET improve our product. Configure other settings such as Parent group, Server hostname, Port name (default is 2222), Peer Certificate and Certificate passphrase if needed. Optionally, click Customize more settings (click the expander below this step). Click Save & Download.

    Figure 2-2

    Click to view Customize more settings section

    Click Customize more settings as mentioned in step 3. Optionally, change the Installer name or add a Description. Optionally, select the Tags, select or create Agent configuration, or select the check box next to Enable HTTP proxy settings (if you enable HTTP proxy settings, type the required details: Server, Port, Login and Password). When you are finished customizing settings, click Save & Download.

    Figure 2-3

    macOS users

    Continue with step 8 in the following article to deploy the ESET Management Agent to a macOS client using Agent Script Installer.

  1. Extract and run the installation package file on a client computer. It will install the ESET Management Agent and the ESET security product on the device and connect it to ESET PROTECT On-Prem. 

  2. Read more information on creating an Agent and ESET security product installer.