[KB2294] Unable to reinstall your ESET product for Windows


  • Your reinstallation of your ESET product for Windows has failed


Indications of failed uninstallation

Your ESET security product for Windows has likely experienced an uninstall failure if (after using the ESET Uninstaller):

  • The ESET splash screen still appears at startup
  • ESET menu items still appear in the Start menu
  • There are ESET security product folders still visible in Explorer and My Computer (e.g. C:\Program Files\ESET)
  • You have attempted to reinstall your ESET security product but it fails and the installation progress bar hangs or rolls backward
  • During a reinstall attempt, an error message informs you the installer could not write to the ESET Scheduler key and asks you to contact support personnel
  • You are unable to install another company's antivirus software
  • Network connectivity is intermittent or disabled
  • Your computer displays a blue screen or crashes
  • Other erratic system behavior

Diagnose and fix the reinstallation

Failed reinstallations are most often caused by a partial or unsuccessful uninstall of a previous ESET security product. If you have attempted to reinstall your ESET product for Windows after uninstalling an older version and are experiencing performance issues, it is likely that your previous version failed to uninstall.

Follow the steps below to diagnose and fix your failed reinstallation:

  1. Remove all non-ESET antivirus software and reinstall your product. Reinstallation issues can be caused by another company's antivirus software conflicting with your ESET security product for Windows.

  2. If your reinstallation still fails, run the ESET Uninstaller and reinstall your product. The ESET Uninstaller deletes all files, folders, registry entries and program drivers that can be left behind during a failed installation and that can interfere with reinstallation.