[KB408] Report a phishing website or email to ESET


If you have identified a website that you believe is involved with phishing-related activities, you can report the site to ESET for further examination.

If you have received an email you believe is designed to steal your personal data such as credit card numbers, passwords, or other financial data, we are interested in receiving a sample of it for analysis.

Follow the steps below to send us a copy via email:

  1. Create a new email message to samples@eset.com with 'phishing email' in the subject line.

  2. 'Drag-and-drop' the phishing email from your inbox into the body of the new email message, where it will be added as a file attachment. Attaching the phishing email this way will allow us to extract as much information as possible from it.

If you do not use Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, the drag-and-drop technique may not be possible. In this case, forward the email to the address listed in step 1.

Extra comments in your forwarded emails:

Do not add extra comments in your forwarded emails, as this makes it more difficult for our developers to analyze the emails and respond accordingly.

Thank you for helping us better protect our customers!

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