[KB7741] Getting started with ESET PROTECT On-Prem (Windows)


  • Install ESET PROTECT Server on Windows


Linux users: Install ESET PROTECT Server on Linux

System Requirements and Installation Prerequisites

Complete each prerequisite before proceeding to step 2.

On your intended ESET PROTECT Server machine:

  • Verify that all required ports are open and available.
  • Install a supported Java Runtime Environment with the same bitness as your Tomcat installation (64-bit).
    Public updates for Oracle Java SE 8 require a paid license after January 2019

    Starting January 2019, Oracle JAVA SE 8 public updates for business, commercial or production use require a commercial license. If you do not purchase a JAVA SE subscription, you can use this guide to transition to a no-cost alternative. This change only affects installation on Windows platforms.

  • Verify that .NET Framework 4 is installed if you are going to install the MS SQL Express using the ESET PROTECT All-in-one installer.
  • Determine if you have a compatible database and database connector installed and configured for use with ESET PROTECT Server. Microsoft SQL Server Express is included with the installer.

Install ESET PROTECT Server on Windows 

When you have successfully installed ESET PROTECT Server, continue to Step 3 below.

Add Client Computers in ESET PROTECT On-Prem and Synchronize ESET PROTECT On-Prem with Active Directory

Adding client computers

If you use an ESET PROTECT On-Prem server task to deploy the ESET Management Agent, add the client computers now. Otherwise, you can add the client computers during steps 4 or 5. 

Deploy the ESET Management Agent to Client Computers

When you have successfully deployed the ESET Management Agent to all endpoints, continue to Step 5 below.

Deploy ESET Security Solutions on Client Computers

When you have successfully installed ESET security solutions on all client computers, continue to Step 6 below.

Post Installation Tasks

You are now ready to manage your network using ESET PROTECT On-Prem. The following articles will assist you in the completion of post-installation tasks:

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