[KB8059] Request log files from Windows clients in ESET PROTECT On-Prem


  • ESET Technical Support has requested a copy of a Windows log file


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Your ESET Windows product keeps logs of all scans that run on your computer. These scan logs are useful to determine if previous detections have been successfully cleaned or deleted. See below for more information about each type of log file:

  • Detections: Detailed information about infiltrations detected by your ESET product modules.
  • Events: Detailed information about all important actions performed by your ESET product.
  • Computer scan: Results of all completed manual or planned scans.
  • Blocked files: Contains records of files that were blocked and could not be accessible.
  • Sent files: Contains records of files that were sent to ESET LiveGrid or ESET LiveGuard Advanced for analysis.
  • Audit logs: Contains information about the date and time when the change was performed, type of change, description, source, and user.
  • HIPS: A record of specific rules that were marked for logging by the user.
  • Firewall: Only in ESET Endpoint Security—Displays all remote attacks on your computer detected by the firewall.
  • Network protection: Information about any attacks on your computer.
  • Filtered websites: List of websites that were blocked by Web access protection or Web control.
  • Antispam protection: Contains records related to email messages that were marked as spam.
  • Web Control: Only in ESET Endpoint Security—Shows web pages that were blocked or allowed by Web Control, as well as how filtering rules were applied.


 Home users

 Endpoint users

Create a SysInspector log and submit it to ESET Technical Support for analysis

Each ESET PROTECT On-Prem component performs logging. ESET PROTECT On-Prem components write information about certain events into log files. The location of log files varies depending on the component.

ESET PROTECT Windows Components Log files location
ESET PROTECT Server C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Server\EraServerApplicationData\Logs\
ESET Management Agent C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Agent\EraAgentApplicationData\Logs\

For more information, see Agent connection troubleshooting
ESET PROTECT Web Console and Apache Tomcat C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Tomcat\Logs\

For more information, see https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/logging.html 
Rogue Detection Sensor C:\ProgramData\ESET\Rogue Detection Sensor\Logs\
ESET Bridge (HTTP Proxy)
ESET Bridge (applies to ESET PROTECT On-Prem versions 10.0 and later)
See ESET Bridge Online Help.
Earlier Windows operating systems C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ESET\...

Visit the Online Help topic for log file locations in Windows, Linux, ESET PROTECT Virtual Appliance, and macOS.

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