[KB7184] Reset your password in ESET Endpoint Encryption Server using the Reset Tool


ESET Endpoint Encryption (EEE) Client and EEE Server are separate products from ESET Full Disk Encryption (EFDE)

The article below applies only to the EEE Client or EEE Server and not EFDE.

Visit What's new in ESET Full Disk Encryption to view EFDE content.


You will need details for the database that are displayed during the EEE Server setup wizard. If you do not have these details, but you used the EEE Server all-in-one installer, you may be able to recover the original database login details from the registry.

  1. Press the Windows key + R, type regedit.exe in the Open field and click OK.

  2. In the registry, use the correct browser path depending on your Operating System:

    • 32-bit Operating Systems: browse to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DESlock\Enterprise Server\Preinstall

    • 64-bit Operating Systems: browse to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\DESlock\Enterprise Server\Preinstall

  3. Make a note of the values for PreInstallSQLPassword and PreInstallSQLUserName.

  4. Run the reset tool. You must be an administrator or have local administrative privileges to run this tool.

DESlock+ Enterprise Server version 2.7/ ESET Endpoint Encryption version 3.0 and later

  1. Open the folder C:\Program Files\ESET Endpoint Encryption Server.

  2. Run the application Admin Password Reset.exe.

  3. Type the Username and Password for the database and click Next. You can use either the system admin account or the EEE Server account details.

Figure 1-1

  1. Select the login that is locked out and click Next.

Figure 1-2

  1. Type a new Password in both fields and click Reset

Figure 1-3

  1. Log in to the EEE Server using the new password.

DESlock+ Enterprise Server version 2.6.2 or earlier

  1. Open the folder C:\Program Files\DESlock+ Enterprise Server.

  2. Run the application Admin Password Reset.exe.

  3. In the Database Login Details section, type the Username and Password for the database. You can use either the system admin account or the Enterprise Server account.

  4. In the New Admin Details section, type the account name of the 'locked out' admin and the new password, and then click OK

Figure 2-1

  1. Log in to the Enterprise Server using the new password.