[KB2960] Exclude a safe website from being blocked by Web Access Protection in ESET small office or home products for Windows


Before excluding a website

Excluding a website poses a security risk. If instructed by ESET Technical Support, an experienced system administrator can configure this.

Best practices:

  • Only exclude a website for a specific period.
  • Do not exclude websites where you provide sensitive information (such as banking websites).
  • Do not disable real-time file system protection while downloading and running files from excluded websites.
  • Report miscategorization if you think ESET should not block a specific website.

Endpoint users | Remote management users | Mac users

  1. Open the main program window of your ESET Windows product.

  2. Press the F5 key to open Advanced setup.

  3. Click ProtectionsWeb access protectionURL list management. Next to Address list, click Edit.

    Figure 1-1
  4. Select List of addresses excluded from content scan and click Edit.

    Figure 1-2
  5. In the Edit list window, click Add. In the Add mask window, type the applicable website or domain name and click OKOK.

    Website format

    Every website must include "www." or a wildcard "*" symbol. For example, the ESET website must be added as www.eset.com or *eset.com*.

Figure 1-3