[KB7025] Possible certificate issue on Android 5.x and older


  • An "invalid ceritificate" warning is displayed when using or trying to install ESET Secure Authentication on Android 5.x or older


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On September 12, 2018, a certificate replacement took place on esa.eset.com and m.esa.eset.com domains to improve security. As part of the update, the root Certificate Authority required for proper validation is supposed to be present on devices. However, some older Android devices might not.


Install .crt file on your Android device

  1. On your Android device, click the following link: https://dl.cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertGlobalRootG2.crt

  2. Type DigicertG2 for the certificate name.

  3. If prompted, configure a screen protection pattern or PIN code. 

  4. Confirm the installation. 

Install .der file on your Android device

If your device is unable to import the .crt file above, install a .der file.

  1. Verify there is screen protection or a PIN code configured on your device.

  2. On your computer hard drive, click the following link: https://dl.cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertGlobalRootG2.crt

    Serial number: 03:3A:F1:E6:A7:11:A9:A0:BB:28:64:B1:1D:09:FA:E5

  3. Convert the certificate to .der file format.

  4. Copy the .der certificate file to the root location of internal storage in your Android device.

  5. On your device, tap Settings.

  6. Tap Security → Credential Storage → Install from device storage.

  7. Type DigicertG2 for the certificate name.

  8. Confirm the installation.