[KB8576] Install ESET Inspect Connector from a Windows command line



ESET Security Services for ESET Inspect On-Prem and ESET Inspect

ESET offers various security service packages and additional support for these products. Support for ESET Inspect On-Prem and ESET Inspect is limited and managing rules or exclusions are not included without an ESET Security Service package. Contact a sales representative for further assistance.


Install ESET Inspect Connector from a Windows command line

  1. Download the installer file (select 32-bit or 64-bit depending on the system type).

  2. Open the command line and navigate to the downloaded file.

  3. Run the command using attributes in the table below, or use the following example with altered attributes.
    Command line example:

    msiexec /i ei_connector_nt32_ENU.msi P_HOSTNAME="" P_PORT="8093" P_PATH_TO_CERT_AUTH="C:\repo\Component\Products\Inspect Server\Src\test\http_server\certs\ca_store\ca.cert.der"

    You can use several attributes with the installer using the silent mode during installation. The hostname is required:

    Attribute Description Required Default value
    APPDIR Used to set directory under which application will be installed   C:\Program Files(x86)\ESET\ESET Inspect Connector\ for 32-bit OS and C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Inspect Connector\ for 64-bit
    P_HOSTNAME Used to set host, on which ESET Inspect Server is installed Yes localhost
    P_PORT Used to set the number of the port on which ESET Inspect Server is listening for data from ESET Inspect Connectors   8093
    APPDATADIR The directory used to store logs and additional output files   C:\ProgramData\ESET\Inspect Server\
    P_PATH_TO_CERT_AUTH The absolute path to the Certificate Authority file on the target PC. Currently, URLs are not supported. Mounted remote drives like \\store03 should work. Multiple files can be separated by char ';'    
    P_IS_SERVER_ASSISTED If you do not have the Certificate Authority present, set this parameter to 1 (P_IS_SERVER_ASSISTED=1) for server-assisted installation. If this parameter is used user does not need to use P_PATH_TO_CERT_AUTH    
    P_INSTALL_CANARY_FILES If enabled, the installer will generate a canary file and place it in a hidden directory. Setting this value to 0 (zero) skips file generation.   1

Assign policy

It is necessary to create a Policy to allow ESET Inspect Connector to communicate with the ESET Inspect Server:

  1. In the Settings window, select the product ESET Inspect Connector.

  2. Type in the Server Address with the ESET Inspect Server IP address.

  3. Edit the Certificate Authority by clicking Edit → Add → Open Certificate Authority. Select the certificate that was used during ESET Inspect Server installation. Click Save.

  4. Click Continue.

  5. Click the Assign button and select the computer you want the policy to be applied to in the Assign window. Click Finish.
Troubleshoot the ESET Inspect Connector installation:

ESET Inspect Connector will be visible in the ESET Inspect Web Console immediately after activation and correct policy setting. After a few minutes, you should see the first events sent by connectors.

If you experience any issues, troubleshoot the ESET Inspect Connector.