[KB7531] Perform a database scan using ESET Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange Server



Disable Mailbox Database Protection

If you run Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 or 2010, the On-demand database scan will be inactive if Mailbox Database Protection is enabled. 

Disable Mailbox Database Protection
  1. Open the main program window of ESET Windows products.

  2. Press the F5 key to access Advanced setup.

  3. Expand Server Integration, click the toggle next to Enable mailbox database protection to disable it and click OK.


Mail Server for scanning in ESET Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange Server

  1. Open the main program window of ESET Windows products.

  2. Click ScanMailbox database scan.

    Figure 1-1
  1. Click Edit next to the Mailboxes section.

    Figure 1-2
  1. Select the check box next to Servers to select the mailbox server you want to scan and click OK.

    Figure 1-3
  1.  Click Scan.

    Figure 1-4

Mail Server for scanning in ESET PROTECT or ESET PROTECT On-Prem

  1. Click PoliciesNew Policy.

    Figure 2-1
  2. Type a Name for your policy and click Continue.

    Figure 2-2
  3. Select ESET Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange (V6+) from the drop-down menu.

    Figure 2-3
  4. Click Server → On-demand mailbox database scan. By default, ESET Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange Server will scan your primary mail server. Leave the Host address and Username fields blank to use these settings.

    To target a different mail server, access the computer with ESET Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange Server and navigate to Advanced setupServerOn-demand mailbox database scan and type in the Host address and Username for the server you want to scan.

    Figure 2-4
  5. Click ToolsScheduler and click Edit.

    Figure 2-5
  6. Click Add. Type a Task name, select Mailbox database scan from the Task type drop-down menu, and click Next.

    Figure 2-6
  7. Select how often you want the task to run and click Next.

    Figure 2-7
  8. Next to Task execution, select a time and date for the task to run and click Next.

    Figure 2-8
  9. Select Immediately, if time since last run exceeds a specified value (hours), type 24 to the respective field and click Next.

    Figure 2-9
  10. Select Scan all messages from the Scan threshold drop-down menu and select your preferences for scanning message bodies and attachments. Click Finish.

    Figure 2-10
  11. Your new scheduled scan will be displayed in the Scheduler window. Click Save → Finish.

    Figure 2-11