[NEWS8660] ESET Server Security for Microsoft Windows Server version 11.0.12011.0 has been released


Release date: May 21, 2024

ESET Server Security for Microsoft Windows Server version 11.0.12011.0 has been released and is available for download

Released Products

The following table lists the latest released versions of ESET Server Security for Microsoft Windows Server:

Product Version
ESET Server Security for Microsoft Windows Server


  • IMPROVED: An error record indicating that the user provided invalid credentials for the elevated permissions account is now available in the events log.
  • FIXED: Users were unable to perform offline activation of a firewall-enabled license.
  • FIXED: A known issue with Vulnerability & Patch Management, where the vulnerability scan was unable to list Server OS vulnerabilities.
  • FIXED: An unsupported restart-related setting was displayed in the policy for the Vulnerability & Patch Management for ESET Server Security.
  • FIXED: The policy-locked settings were displayed as inactive in the main program window.
  • FIXED: The message “restart required” did not appear after the product update.
  • FIXED: The main program window did not start after the product update.
  • FIXED: The header of the network protection log was not displayed.

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