[KB8587] How to import ESET Inspect Server certificate from a file


  • You want to import the ESET Inspect Server certificate from a file


  1. Fill in the path to the ESET Inspect Server Certificate (.PFX file) created in the ESET PROTECT Server or click Change to navigate to the file location manually. Fill in the certificate password if needed. 

  2. Fill in the path to Certification Authority or click Change to manually navigate to the file location. Click Next.
    Figure 1-1
  3. Continue implementing the essential certificate for HTTPS/SSL connection between the ESET Inspect Web Console and web browser by choosing an option:
ESET Inspect On-Prem does not support certain certificates

By default, certificates created by the ESET PROTECT On-Prem use * (an asterisk) as a hostname (wildcard certificate). ESET Inspect On-Prem does not support such certificates. You must use the real  ESET Inspect Server hostname.

The certificates must be provided in PKCS #12 format.

PKCS #12 is a file format used for storing many cryptography objects as a single file—like certificates or certification authorities. Usually, files that use PKCS #12 have extension ".pfx" or ".p12".

Certificates must have more than "*" (one asterisk, nothing more) for a host in the following places:

  • CN (common name)
  • alternative names (from extension Subject Alternative Name from RFC5280)
  • CN in additional certificates (PKCS #12 can hold additional certificates)
  • alternative names in additional certificates, for example:
    • "*" is not allowed.
    • "*.yourcompany.com" is allowed
    • "yourcompany.*.hq.com" is allowed.
  • Another file format frequently used in cryptography is X509. Files using X509 formats with the extensions ".der" or ".pem".
  • In ESET Inspect On-Prem, certificates are kept in ".pfx" files, and certification authorities are kept in ".der" files.
  • Mandatory parameters for creating a Peer Certificate are:
    • Product: "ESET Inspect Server"
    • Host: Use a real IP Address of the ESET Inspect Server
  • If you want to connect ESET Inspect Connector from another network, add another IP or hostname by separating it with a space, comma or semicolon. For example, HOST;
  • Do not use the semicolon symbol ";" in the filename or folder name in the certificate's path. It is used to separate multiple certificates, if applicable.