[KB8579] Clean ESET INSPECT Server installation with the same IP address


  • Install a new ESET Inspect Server instance that has the same IP address as your original server, but will not use the original database 


  1. Stop ESET Inspect On-Prem service on the original ESET Inspect Server machine.

  2. Turn off your original ESET Inspect Server machine.

    Verify your new ESET Inspect Server has the same IP address

    Ensure the new ESET Inspect Server machine has the same IP address as the original. 

  3. Run the ESET Inspect Server installer on a new server and continue with the installation process.

  4. Log in to your ESET Inspect Server Web Console.

  5. Verify the connection works as expected, then dismantle, disband or uninstall the original ESET Inspect Server.