- Due to local legislative and sales barriers, ESET HOME Security Ultimate tier is only available in some countries
ESET HOME Security Ultimate tier is currently not available in the countries listed below.
The list of countries that do not have ESET HOME Security Ultimate tier available can change in the future.
Afghanistan |
Albania |
Algeria |
Angola |
Armenia |
Azerbaijan |
Bahamas |
Bahrain |
Bangladesh |
Belarus |
Benin |
Bhutan |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Brazil |
Brunei |
Burkina Faso |
Burundi |
Cameroon |
Central African Republic |
Comoros |
Congo-Kinshasa (Democratic republic of the Congo) |
Congo (Republic of the Congo) |
Cuba |
Cyprus |
Djibouti |
East Africa |
Ecuador |
Egypt |
El Salvador |
Equatorial Guinea |
Eritrea |
Ethiopia |
Fiji |
Gabon |
Gambia |
Georgia |
Ghana |
Guinea-Bissau |
Guyana |
Haiti |
Honduras |
Hong Kong |
Chad |
China |
Iran |
Iraq |
Ivory Coast |
Jordan |
Kazakhstan |
Kenya |
Kiribati |
Kosovo |
Kuwait |
Kyrgyzstan |
Laos |
Lebanon |
Lesotho |
Liberia |
Libya |
North Macedonia |
Madagascar |
Malawi |
Malaysia |
Maldives |
Mali |
Mauritania |
Mauritius |
Moldova |
Mongolia |
Montenegro |
Morocco |
Mozambique |
Myanmar |
Namibia |
Nepal |
Nicaragua |
Niger |
Nigeria |
North Korea |
Oman |
Papua New Guinea |
Qatar |
Russia |
Rwanda |
Samoa |
Sao Tome and Principe |
Saudi Arabia |
Senegal |
Seychelles |
Sierra Leone |
Solomon Islands |
Somalia |
South Sudan |
Sri Lanka |
State of Palestine |
Sudan |
Eswatini |
Syria |
Tajikistan |
Tanzania |
Timor-Leste |
Togo |
Tonga |
Tunisia |
Turkey |
Turkmenistan |
Uganda |
Ukraine |
The non-government controlled regions of Ukraine, "Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzia" |
Uzbekistan |
Vanuatu |
Venezuela |
Vietnam |
West Bank and Gaza |
Yemen |
Zambia |
Zimbabwe |