[KB7962] Trusted platform module (TPM) login recovery in ESET Endpoint Encryption


ESET Endpoint Encryption (EEE) Client and EEE Server are separate products from ESET Full Disk Encryption (EFDE)

The article below applies only to the EEE Client or EEE Server and not EFDE.

Visit What's new in ESET Full Disk Encryption to view EFDE content.


Using TPM No Extra Authentication mode

There is no pre-boot authentication screen while using TPM No Extra Authentication mode, therefore a user cannot be locked out.

If a user uses a TPM Username and Password mode or a TPM PIN mode, they can recover the login information following the sections below according to the current authentication mode.


Password recovery

  1. Reset your Full Disk Encrypton password.

PIN code recovery

If a user has forgotten or incorrectly entered their PIN code too many times, they need to recover the PIN using the EEE Server.

  1. Log in to the ESET Endpoint Encryption (EEE) Server.

  2. Click Workstations, select the machine on which you want to recover the login information and then click Details.

Figure 1-1
Click the image to view larger in new window
  1.  Expand Tools and click FDE RecoveryTPM Recovery.
Figure 1-2
Click the image to view larger in new window
  1.  Note the Recovery Code, as it will be required to access the client workstation in the event that the TPM module has been locked. Ensure that the Recovery Index matches the information on the client workstation.
Figure 1-3
Click the image to view larger in new window
  1. On the client workstation, press the F1 key on your keyboard at the pre-boot login to reach the recovery section.

  2. Type in the Recovery Code ensuring that you include the hyphens (-).

  3. Type in the new PIN Code.

  4. If the operation is successful, the client workstation will reboot and allow the use of the new PIN Code.